PETIT JEAN College Debaters EUGENE H IGIITOWER J. O. " I URP IIY CLIFFOR D BIGGS ] . R. W ALDRUM lI arding'l! debating lIeri('!:l has ~n an ilIulitral ion of the old 1)8fadoxical sHying that has caused 1)f'Ol/le of all rankll and OCCUlllI.tions to sigh. w hl.'t hcr th{'y 1><> merchants, foot racers, ho r se n icer!!. lovers, or 801· dier!!. "So ncaf Ilild yet so far" have been our effortll in the For('n-dc ficld. Tht, lI ardilll{ boYIl did nol [0.',-, a sillJdc unanimOUII ut;ci>lioll, >111\'(' in the debat:! with T ulsa Universi ty, when only Olle judge was used. To Okla homa B81)t illt UnivcrI;ily they 1000t by a 2·1 decision; to t he CollcKe of lh(" Qzarks, by 2-\; and to H end{'rson-Hrown. b)' 2-1. T hey won all three decis ionll from Okla homa A. lind M . CollclCc and f r om H endrix College. and 81,,0 won from Ouachita by a 2-1 dec is ion. The fHa>!on'>! >!chedule was as follows: Oklahoma A. and M .. at Morrilton. March 16-lIal"llinJ.! aflirnl!ltive represented by H ilCh lower and MUrphy. Tulsa Univers i ty Ht Tulsa. Ma rch 31-H anlin)t IIf1irmath·C'. 1·('pn'io\C'ntC'd by H igh tower a nd M urp h y, Okinh olllll Baptis t Univers i ty, at S h nwllce, AI)fil I Hurding- HtI1 rmut i vt', rep resented by II hr h tower l u uj MUfl1 h y. ColJeJ.tI:- of t he OZar ks, lit C],lrk~vill(', April 16- 11 llrding II fli l"lna tive, rep r esented by Wnldr um lind MllflJ h y. I l e lHlerHon·Brown, at Morrilton, April 20 li arding uphol d ing- t he neg-alive: speakers. Bi l(l(H IIn ti Mu r p h y. Ounc h it n , III Morrilton. Ap r il 27- lIl1rdinl( nflirmntiv{', r('prC!lentcd by Waldrum IIlI d Murp h y. 11. ndrix. III Morrilton, AIJI'il 2!l Harding ufl1rmntiv(', 1·"llr("'~'lIt('11 by Waldru m and M ur p hy, , 91