PETIT JEAN Basket Ball The season here was a very p l'ofitablc one. The only game los t was to the College of the Ozarks. The wonderful abundance of matcri.a l, cilupled with a willingness to work, wns the big factor in the success ful per iod. We engaged in only five intcl'colleJ.d<lle games. We started late, when most. schools had their schedules filled. The s ix lette r men were: Hubert Wadley . Orville Etheridge, Lonnie Etheridge, Raymond Hazlet, Sam Bradley, and Doyal Bland. RESULTS OF T il E S EA SON P]ummcl'viJl e C. H. S. Ru sse llville Aggies Subiaco Co ll ege ________ _ Catholic Point __ Mayflower ________ __ __ __ .. _ ._____ . __ College of Ozul'ks ________________________ _ Russellvi ll e Agg ics _______ _____________ _ Little Rock Collcg-e _______________________ _ Solgohachia ____________________________ _ , 78 5-10 28-46 13-38 14-42 16-55 64-48 38-56 18-56 42-56 ,