PETIT JEAN Commercial Department ~\ l i ss Roxie \\'oodring, I nstructor t\ORR I S AI.VAn:z II,' NNA P,, 'IVI'ON \\'OO I)RI NG SAI.LI:';'{; SMITH REED J lAMITI': R STAR"ES \VILUM\ S B ENC H PEN!" CARTER P ENN STARKEY BRAtH.WY SALI.1:I1(; i\IONTGO~'LRY PATE \ 'ANeE NORRIS K EN T KIMIIII.O \\'ILSON BAIUJER JI; FFlIS IJA WSON DUNCAN .\l cCA RTN E Y \\ 'H.ell IlolJGOOO Btu. .\RMSTROXG GIBSON .\IILLS Scarr JAMES FAIHU SH P EACOCK SU RIH.R The Commercial Department, headed by Miss Roxie Woodring, has always been a source of pride to the inst itution; but especially is the College proud of the department this yea r. We see the possibility of many coveted stenographers in this department, for there are blondes and brunettes of rare type. , G~' , 62