PETIT JEAN Voice D epa rtment "Sing, and the world Riny.'! with !JOlt." EvidenUy the s tudents or Harding believe in thi s adage, for there are many l11'3l'e voice students thi s year than there were last year. Everyone who could has taken advantage of the oPPOl'tunity of s tudying under such an excellent instructor as Mi ss l:Lt~nch Joy Jones. In Decembet' the voice students, thei r friends, and seve ral membel's of the Faculty enjoyed the delightful little "Singing Tea" given by members of the Voice Departmen t. Luter, in March, the students in this department gave the musical comedy, "College Days." Not only has there been vast improvement in the department, but there has also been improvement in the individual members. Next year the Voice Department expects to do greater things. G~J ? 55