42 Senior Class IRENE BEVELTlYMF.R W LCH I 'I'A KANSAS ("R;no") "lVhere'!) Theodo)'e Rocill c1J?" I'r'L'Hidcnt of the Senior CJK~~. CL IFFORD L. BIGGS SEILING, OKLAHOMA (" 81'yglil1g8") "Silly-sul'cas t ic-sentimen t al-Socra l es.'· Vice P resident of the Senior Cln ". ].' RAN K STA Il [( I\tORR ILTON, ARKAN SAS ("Pancho") "l'l'C 1081-" Cnlltnin, Cla'<.i HR..kf't Hall. BERTHA G. BENSON CANTON, OKLAHOMA ("Bel"") " I t',<; inunaie ,"i(t/ to Me." TnaslJrcr of the Senior Chi \~. MAIlIETTA HELM l\10RRIL'I'ON, ARKANSAS (" Skee.~ix") " / like that." Secl'cta"Y of the Senior Cla~Ho. CTlARLES PATE l\101U{JLTON, ARKANSAS ("Puny") So sud and :;0 wistfH/. JAMES MASSEY STRAWBERRY, AHKAr-;SAS (H.l /llssey") "Don't let 'em hook you ." NE;VLYN BISHOP BF.LI~E PI~A[NF.. KANSAS (HDYllamdte Pop") "That's hot stuff 1" VERA NORR IS GnEt:N FOREST, ARKANSAS " / ado)'c clergy, espernull!/ B-isll 'J ]J." CAUSBY NORRIS GltEEN .F'om':ST, AHKANSAS ("Bud") "Yes, sis, I'm comiNg." ORBY SOUTIIA RO GLENCOE, ARKAN SAS ("Orb") "Pr01~d as his pcncocl.:.."