1925-1926 Yearbook

The Class of '29 \V I LLiAM HURTOr.; SCOTT 1 L\TTlE i\ I U RI'II Y \ ' ER~A ROWE DOYAl. BI, A i\D OF FI CERS . President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Is it hard to drop suddenly from the ranks of a Senior to enroll as a Freshman ? No. Without exception, everything worth while must, as a row of sharply pointed pickets, have a descending slope just beyond the piercing protrusion . The Freshmen are a care-f ree, happy-go-lucky crowd of fo lk s that take their fun where they find it. They boast of the largest class in college. In fact, they have had good intentions of studying. How much s impler history would have been if remembering dates were as easily done as keeping them! Their cont ribution s to the orchestra are invaluable. Two favorite wits hail f rom their ranks. Commendable prepar ation should insure the captivation of next year's favorite page for garrulity. A steep incline, a steep decline-and again the story is r epeated . 40