as :14 Sophomore Class CHRISTI NA JOHNSON MOHRILTOI', ARKANSAS ("Chris") "'11/ IOJlc~Qme. I willh my UllddJl wou'd cOlne." EMMETT C. BLACKSIIEAR MOnnILl'ON, ARKANSAS l" Doby") A Drisbane in the bud. "}I'('(t iNf." 'I'n'll-<ul"cr of the Sophomor(' CIa u. MURRELL TODD WILSON, OKLAHOMA ("Todd," "Burke") "Corrosive ." ['r ,ill ,'nt uf the SUI,homon' C : Il '~ ' RUTH JAMES Bf::LLS, TENNESSf:E ("BlO1/dic") " j.~OI· relit, a home for catll," LOUISE STARlmy BRIDGEPORT, ALABAMA ("Starkey") " /-Ie hasn't got a Untill," LUKE PRIBA RU3S~LLVILLE, AnKANsAS ("Pdbo") "Thi~ outfit U-l'ulI/fd here gilleH 1I/e a pain !" JAMES OAKLEY ~IURP Il Y LYNNVILLE, 'l'ENNE;SSEf: (".ll llrph") The pride of the cl(U; 8 . NAOMA GAMBLE DALLAS, TEXAS ("Snook/lUIs") A printer'8 devil. MAURINE RHODE S MOHRILTON, ARKANSAS ("Ma!') OW' of the clique. ALLEN SU DDICRTII LEX INGTON, OKLAHOMA (" T ubby") "For Hl'OCJ at reasons I hafe fo {eav£, hc 'c." AUDREY ~"LN lm l\'l o lmiLTON, ARKANSAS (" Red")