Junior Class RUTH B lcLL MORnll~ToN. AHKAANt:AS (" Bonap(I,rte") "Have you seen BI" Tr~Kl!lurer of the J unior Cia.. !!; H umor l'~dilor of thc P~:rIT Jf;A,N; Adelphial\ Literary Society. OLA LOTER Wt; LLlNGTON, Tfo:XAS ("Miss Olic") " High tou'en; arc dlwyerOlls." S~erctary of the J un:or CIK"-,,: BryuniKn Literary SOCi('ly: Cakndar Editor of the I't::rIT Jt:AN. RAYMOND L. HAZ LET H UDSON , CO I.OI1ADO ("Ray " ) " )'ou/, point is well luken, bnt-" I'r ..."itknt of thc Junior Cia>:!": Collt'~e Quartet ; AdelphiKrI Lit c' rar y Society; J·'jnancial Mallll )(('r of the Pt:TIT Jt:AN; HIl~('ball; Ba~kct Ball. DESDEMONA STA RK MOJtRIL'I'ON, ARKANSAS ("Chick") ""VeU, I think 80." Vic(' l'residl'l\t of t h e Junior Cla~!<: Lit!'rnry f:ditor of the J'Jo.'T1T JEi\N; Bryonian Literary Society. HELEN CANTER WI LCOX MAYFI ELD, Kt:NTUCKY ("Mrs. T. C.") AdelphiaTl Literary Soci<-t)'; Kcnlllcky SLate Normal. three Yl'ar" :lO