r Frances Ruby Lowery, A. B. Da\'cnpo rt , i\ cbra :;; ka Major: English. Hal·per College, '22-'24; Business Manager, The Angelos, '22-'23; Editor, The Angelos, '23-'24; Harding College, '24-'26; Teacher in Training School, '24-'26; Best All-Round Girl, '24-'25, '25-'26; Assistant Editor, PETIT JEAN, '24-'25; Editor, PETIT JEAN, '25-'26 . "POKEY" Being full of the ideals and inte·-ests of the school when she finished two years of work at Harper College, she came Lo Harding, and has faithfully lived up to its ideals and worked for its inLel·est s since its very beginning. She is a born leader in any activ ity in which she engages, and is always giving up personal preferences and sometimes slighting her own wOI·k that she may help othe,·s. Her time is not her own; she lives for others-that is why she was chosen the best all-round gd; the favorite chaperon on pleasure trips, the confidant of those in need of sympathy or advice, a Leacher in the training school who enjoys p rofound respect and affection of all who a "e or have been her pupils. Everyone loves her, especially Freshmen; for though but a student teacher, both Freshmen academy and college classes have chosen her as Sponsor. As Assistant Editor of the PETIT JEAN last year and a s Editor in Chief this year, she has done a work fo r which she is due much credit. These are a few of the many things we think of in connection with her. 2(;