1925-1926 Yearbook

T o the Stud ents of H a rding Co ll ege l~rOSE who conceived and brought forth the Christian schools were [a r [1'0111 dc- ~ ~ siring t.o add another school to the already long list of splendid and efficient II> educational institutions in our land. They appreciated the invaluable work being done by the many colleges and univers ities a lready at work, but they believed these institutions were sufficient to meet t he demands of the popu lar idea of educnt ion. He nce, they had no idea of found ing- j ust another school. But they saw a great need to be supp lied, a gl'cat se r vice to be done, that the existing institutions of learning were d istincLly neglecting. I-fence, they founded a school. They we re lite rally eaten up with zea l fo r the se r vice they knew the wor ld needed. I f the wor ld thought well of their effort, well <lnd good; but if not, their cou r se was determi ned. Hurd ing College was born of this ide<l. It was brought forth to do a sel'vice that is being di st inct ly neglected- namely, ground ing the students in fait h in God and fi ll ing t hem with t he doctrines of the Chr ist. In other wonl5, lIanli ng College lives to rool and gl'c und hearts in t he fait h of Israel's God. Ther efo l'e, in this, ou r <lnnual message, we most earnestly call YOUl' aitention to the idea ls, spi r it , and mission of Harding College. Above everyth ing else, we long fo r you to be t rue representatives of t he institution. Let your lives be liv ing epistles, known and read by all men . Let your loyalty to this institution be seen in noble deeds of living ; let it be seen in the ideals nnd se r vice of your lives. We want to assure you students that we count you the greatest asset the college has. Whatever t his instituti on may accompl ish in se r ving mankind , you must be the greutest facto r in the success atta ined. Wi thou t you, we can do nothi ng; but with you, we can do a ll things. Harding College in all the years to come wi ll be known best by you, its s tudents. Whether it should eve r huve lived must be determ ined by you. A tree is known by its fru i t , and the finished product is t he ncid test of the success 01' failul'e of un effort. S::> the students of any educational inst itution commend 01' condemn that institution. It, too, is known by its fr uit. BROTHER AN D S ISTER A Hl\l STRONG. 19