1925-1926 Yearbook

All Photos, Mounting and Art Work By Barnes Echlin "Our P hotographers" '"01\\\',\ y, ,\IH::,\NSrlS Cet our plans alld prk(.'~ for your next . \lllllla l. It will save yOll tilllt', for an ,\I111ual Sta!Y. IIHJIlC'y. labor, and \\'orry. Our plan is the easy way Ruth I-lanley: "Did you know Brother Armstrong took Ruth James to see 'Rosetimc?'" Mary Taylor: " How come?" Ruth Han ley: "She had on one of Mae Huffaker's hats." Bill Scott, who was eating breakfast at Warren's Cafe, put spoonful after spoonful of sugar in his coffee. "Stir yOU]' coffee; we don't mind the I'acket," sa id the wa iter. "0, ['\Ie had my shot at th is ]lublic-"IWllkinl(' :< lufT," rcmHrked Clint. " W hen [ am at home, [ eHIl my Iotirl ov('r II rural teleph one." AJln~: "Do YOU \)clieve that bruncltl'tl murry lirllt ?" Oakley: "No, it'll gener81ly the lilo!'ht-hcKdl'd onell_" S8llderllOn; "Hoxie looks like a million to-nil{h t." Ola Loter: " I know, but s he' s n 'aBy only thirty-two." The room was very da rk ; Silencc reigned. A rail was on the door; I t had hU1l1' t here for YC8rll. Ruby Sinlo!'ll'lOIl is 110 dumb IIhe t hi nks 8 tOllsorill1 IJKrlor is a throat doctor's omce. Ruth Bell: "A good girl like Muurine is I.ukl'·s ollly chullce (or reform." Naoma Gl\mble: "Yes, I\lld I SI\W him embnlc, inlt hill chuncc la~t lIigh t." 1I 0td GU('l;t (to friend acrollll the table): "I'm l(OillK to have same beefsteak. It makl'l! me fl'ei bully." Bob lI arrell; ' 'I'm going to have some ha'< h. I t alwAYIi nlakC!! me feci like everything." W il Y MEN ROB THE CRAD L i': "Say, when I was born, I was 110 su rl)risal thNt couldn't talk for a year and a hulf." 116 Brother Rh od.>,; (in Commercial Luw CIN"S); "If II. mun worked e ight hours Hlld Io:'el>! eight dol18r~. what wi l l he gel if he work~ ten hour I! '?" Swede: " T en hours a day'? He'd get a calldown f r om t h e Union." Slecl>Y: "Your new raincoat is rather loud." liallie: " It's all right when I W('ar a nJufller." lola: "0. I wish I could lind lIome place where could be entirely cut olT from the world!" Dollie: "Try a tele l)hone booth." JO)'CC; "Why are you mNilinlo:' all of lho'~' o.:nJvty enveIOI)e.s 7" Brother Sanderson: ' 'I'm cult inJ-:' cl a "ses in a COrrl'!!llondence cour~l'." Minl'u~: " What ahNIl we do to-n ight '?" F' red: "Ll't'I! sp in a coin. If it·" hl'Nds, we ICO to thl' prOl{ranJ: if it's tRill!, we ):'0 to t he moviell; if i t l!tallds Oil edlCl', we study." J<';ditor: "We eall't accept thi ll I)OCm. It ill n't verse at all- merely a n C!lCal)e of gall." F. M. K.· "Ah. I ~C'C-!!omethinK wron):' with the meter." Brother Coons: "Where dOt.'>I ink come from 7" Orby; " F rom illcubator ~." Brother R. C. Bell: "What i!J II. hYI)erbole 7" K C. Blackshear: "A lie that hHs had an Ollerat ion and broke ll into lWCiety."