April May PETIT JEAN I9- Boys visit girls' dormitory. 19 and 2D-Second term exams. 21- MI'. Jim Lucas takes group of gil'is out for lunch. 22- M 1' . Ernest Toy, famou s violinist, gives progl'am. 23-Third term begins, Homeward bound. Mr . Toy and wife entertain in chape l. Kiwanis Club basket-ball team defeated by t he Rotary Club team. 24- Sister Armstrong returns, Why is Marie Davidson so lonely these days : 25- Brothel' Rhodes is s ick. 26- "A Full House" presented by the Senior Hi gh-School Class. 27- M1', Sanderson receives two letters from McLean, Texas (Rena). 28- l\1i ss Woodring, Joyce Duvall, and Agnes Hamiter start to Little Rock, but miss the train. Mi ss Moody suffers from a "crick" in her neck after taking a walk with Mr. Dowdle. 29- Grass is planted on the campus. Rain, rain! 3D-La st lyceum number given at Hi gh-School Auditorium. Oakley Murphy and Eugene Hightower go to Shawnee, where they lose the debate. Bertha Bench returns after seve ral days' visit with home folk. I - Due to a plea by Wilbur Colson, the student body is given a half holiday. 4- Mal'ec Ada Johnson is accompanied by Dick Kercheville to church. Frank Stark has his first date. ( Ina Singleton.) 5- University Glee Club give program at High-School Auditorium. 8- Piano recital given by students of Miss Moody. First s tudents' day in chapel. 9- Brothers Armstrong and Sears go to St. Louis for consu lation with Dr. Eliff. lO- Ruth Hanl ey has a sprained ankle. Mrs. Kimbro visits her daughter, Ruth. Verna Rowe and Minnie Jones spend week-end at Atkins. l 1- Bl'other Ben Hardin g, of Columbia, Tenn., begins the spring meeting. 12- Ruth Kimb,'o and mother, with Miss Duncan and several s tudents , spend the day at the mountain. Mary Taylor loses her false tooth. 13-Roy Sudbury meets one of his classes. 14- Vera Norris and Nevlyn Bi shop are seen s trolling over the campus. 15- Miss Ruby and "Doby" make good use of the social hour . 17- Meeting continues with interest. 18- Naoma Gamble, Robert Hanell, MaUl'ine Rhodes, and Luke Priba take supper at the club. Mr. Kercheville preaches at Willow Bend, explaining very forcefully that the Epistles were the apostles' wives. I9- Herbe rt Barber takes a group of people to Little Rock in the bus. HOld Maids' Convention." 2D- I-Iarding boys defeated by Henderson-Brown boys in debate. 21- Meeting closes, with twenty-seven baptisms. Dr. Eliff visits t he college. 24- Brother Sea r s is at home for a couple of days. 25- Mr. Jesse Mac Sewell revisits (H. C.): Choppie grovels. Professor Johnson and wife, T. C. Wilcox, 1\11'. Kercheville, and Mary Taylor go to Hot Springs. Vernon Peacock leaves for home. Bess Bell is seen riding with FOl'l'est Howell. 26- Herbert Barber takes group of boys to Hot Springs in the college bus. Miss Duncan, Mr . Sewell, Mi ss Lowery, and Emmett Blackshear spend the day at the mountain. 27- H. C., represented by J. O. Murphy and J. R. Waldrum, defeat Ouachita Co llege in debate- 2-1. 28- Fannie Lou Fricks and Harvey Milner were seen in specting Harvey's new home. Jesse Ma c Sewell is gone. Clint is all smiles again. 29- Deba te with Hendrix College. Our victory; unanimous decisions. Students' day in chapel. 3D-Holiday. Students go to Little Rock to see the balloon race . Mi ss Duncan takes group to Petit Jean . I - May Day. Visitors to Little Rock suffer with blistered tonsi ls. Prof. A. G. and Mrs. Johnson tlnd T. C. Wilcox go to Mammoth Springs. 2- Sunday. Even Stella Mars hall did not have a date. e , G~J 114