Fresh V egetables, Groceries , Flour and Feed Drilling & Thines Quality, Low Priced Seroice Phone 21 Th e B est Drug S tore S erv ice at Kniseley Drug Co. "On the Corner" Huby s..~ "!low did YOU come out of the Dean'" oflicc-!" Irenc B,' "Got a big kick out of it," Luke: "Would you mind i[ L called you ·Ma. !x'i l' " MlI.urine: "r-;o, bllt l think it awfully fUTlllY, 'clI.use my Tlltme's 'MIHlr i ne,' ' ' Brother Hhod...,,: " What's the cap ital of Au!:!· tria 1" Gene H i){h tower (ab~ellt · mindedly): "[n how IllRny lettel's '/" Jack: "!lavc you hcard the story o f thc cyell?" Dt..rll. Mile: "No; what is it?"' J uek: "0, you huvc two!"' Opie; "Ruby ran off and left me." Clint: " Is that l'ight 1" Ollie: "No, but it'll 110." Wilcox: "What word is OI)I)Ollite of 'misery!' .. Garland HOII!!: "' lI allpinesll.' ' ' Wilcox: "What is opposite of 'woe!'" Garland Ross: "'GiddAll,' ' ' Huth 1I lIlIley: "What Arc you takin){ for your cold !" IIl1.ttie: " me all ofTer." 011l.: " I'd like to try OTI that hat, ,)lea~e." Sall'lIl1uly: "I'm sorq', m iss, but that's a )lI.m,. ..hade." ClI.m ,)il': " ) think I'll lake my beauty nap," Itus!ll'll: "Tllke It good long !lIce,)." STAR CLEANERS & DYERS " The P uhlic 's Friend" CLEANING--- PRESSING--- DYEING I':AOMl ] Oll l\SON, 1' "O I'RI " TO" Yours jar Servia PH01\E 56 \\ ' E CALL 11 ::