1925-1926 Yearbook

PETIT JEAN February I-Miss Woodring's ?th birthday, Annual contest closes. Bl'yonians victorious. March 2-' ' 'alk from dOl'mitory to dub finished by the diligent work of Brothel' Kieffer. 3-Vcl'llon Peacock and Orby Southard seem to be getting ser ious. 4-Juniol' and Senior high-school classes go on hike. 6-MI". J esse Mac Sewell visits ( II. C. )? Miss Duncan. ilarding boys defeat Subiaco in basket ball-41-12. 7-Several dormitory girls enjoy drives with town people. T. C. Wilcox preaches both morning and evening. 8-Girl s visit boys' dOl'mitol'Y. Two young Illen from Tennessee visit Mary Taylor. Verna Rowe, CanJpic Dodd, Minnie Jones, and Lu mmie Fincher hike to Atkins. D-Lyceum number. I 3-Popularity con lest fol' Annual. Adclphian g-irls dcfcat Bl'yonians in basket b~lll. I4- Mr. Jim Lucas takes a number of girls for a drive. 15- AII dormitory girls receive valentine greetings from Sistel' Armstl'ong-. 17-Landscape gardeners beg in wo r k on the ca mpus. Ruth :Maple and Florence Hazlet bob their hail'. Duel in Brother John son's P sychology class between Doyal Bland and Allen Sudderth. 20-Er yoniHn girls defeHt Adel phi ans in ba sket ball. 22-Boys celebl'ute Washington ' s birthday working on the campu!->. 25-College quintet defeat the debaters in basket ball-24-J7. 26-Harding boys defeat Ru ssellville Aggies in basket ball-46-2S. 27-Bryonian gil'ls defeat Adelphiun girls in basket ball. Score-22- I 7. I-Holiday. Boys work on campus; few girls join in. Miss Wood ring and Joyce Duvall make business trip to Conway. 3-Afternoon given for work on campus. Absolutely necessary, because Raymond Il azl('t failed to work the other two days. B. Frank Lowery sUl'pdses his daughters, Ruby and Rose-Mal'ie, by a visit . 4-Boar d meeting. 5-Negro jubilee, g-ivcn by students of ShorteL' College, enjoyed by a number of ll arding students. 6-Adelphain boys defeat Bryonian boys in basket ball. 7-Brothel' B. Frank Lowery, of Davenport, I"\cb., preaches. S-Ruth Hanley returns after some two weeks' visit with home fo lk. O- Roy Sudbury was seen in the dining hall with a book. ll-College Quartet b l'oadcasts from 1I 0t S prings. Forty telegrams, two hundrcd leite)·s . j\'l iss Ehresman's Expression class ~ i ve program consisting of thl'ce one-act plays. 15~Students enroll for third term. 16- Debatc with Oklahoma A. and :\1. Collcge. Harding- boys viclorious. I7- Brothel' N. B. Hardeman visits t.he ('allege. 18- Auction sa le in chapel. Wilbul' Colson, auctionecr. Opcreila givcn by pup ils of Mi ss J ones. . G~J ? 112