January PETIT JEAN l-Murrell Todd and Mary Tayl or are among the first to return. Dick Kerchcville, nephew of the Coach, is welcomed to H. C. 4-Students return. Crowd goes to see "The Miracle Man." 5-H. C. welcomes Minnie Jones and Opal Bean as new students. Coach rece ives telegram from Wilbur Colson requesting that he meet. him at the 11 o'clock train. Specia l I'eception committee goes down for the gl'and occasion. Alas! he does not come, but sends word that he will come later. 6- Raymond Penn and Ray Nicholas leave for Detroit. 9- Hardin g's first team defeats Sa lgohachia in basket ball-56-42. lO-Another pleasant SUnchlY afternoon hike. Some four chose tenni s playing rather than hiking- namely, Joyce Duvall, Raymond Hazl et, Miss Duncan, and Oakley Murphy. Tra sh-can calamity in the Boys' Dormitory disturbs Mr. Kel'cheville fr om his peaceful slumber about midnight. ll - Hattie Murphy, Ruth Welch, and Mattie Lee Williams hike t o Salgohachia and elsewhel'e . Luke Pl'iba has ex plosion in the furnace room; no heat. 12- Boys play basket ball with Petit J ean Catholics. 13-1\:lass meeting for endowment dl'ive. 14-Football boys receive sweaters. Joyce Duvall has a tooth extracted. I5- Brother S. A. Bell makes a chapel talk on the unpopular subj ect, "WOIllan's I-lair is Her Glo]·y." ]6- Brother Ree se visits school and makes an interesting talk. 17- Ruby Singleton has a date with Herbert. Barbel'. I8-Ruth Kimbro, Louise Starkey, and Ruth Welch hike to Plummerville. 19-5istcl' Armstrong leaves for At1anta, Ga. 20- Bill Scott and MI'. Kel'chevillc on the sick list. 2I -Sno",! Chicken dinncr! Mury Ali ce Juckson takes a roll in t he snow. 22-Verna Rowe und Maurice Glaser spend the social hour t.alking in t.he reception rOom. 23-Don Carlos Janes visits H. C. Harding boys defeated by College of the Ozarks in basket ball. 24-Illustl'ated lecture on " Trip Around the World" by Don Carlos Janes. Group goes to the mountain, chaperoned by Miss Ruby. 25-Mrs. Cathcart sick. Beunah Schrader teaches fot' her. 26- Brother Armstrong begins eating at the club. 27-Jack Smart came to breakfast bccause the docto)' g.we him some medicine with the directions: "Take Before Breakfast." 28- Ruth James is Hccompnnied to a barnyard party by Jake Gl'iflit.h, and Hatti c Murphy by J esse Wi scman. 29-Brother Janes gives illustrated lecture on "Palestinc and Egypt." \Vork on walk from J ennye Hill Hall to the Club House resumed. 30-Fl'om 10 to 12 A.:M. devoted to mcmorial serv ice of Brother J. A. Ilarding, cond ucted by Brot.hel' Don Carlos Janes. Bryonian gil'ls defeat Adelphians in basket ball - 15-10. . , G~J 110