1925-1926 Yearbook

HARDING COLLEGE \\'e Thank You fur '1'0\11' \ 't ry Liberal Patronag-c WHITLEY & GREER EI·EI{YTlII:\C; TO II"JC.II< This IS Your Store I t i ~ to S('r\'l' you and do it right. I f there is anything we can do to increa se our usefulnes s, we want you to tell us. Palmer & Close 109 J. C. ADAMS II ·. ITCI IES- ) EII ·ELI{ \' I)I.nIOl\J)S I\cpairing a Specialty Cuurtesy. Eft-ic.::iency. and Quality Valentine & Son CONTI<.ICTO IZS ,IND BUILDEI<S \\·e Build Bungalows or Department Stores