1925-1926 Yearbook

PETIT JEAN 2-Todd and "Choppie" make a trip to Little Rock. :l-PI'ofessol' Kerchcvilll' nol.. able to meet. his 8 o'clock studies . VCI'Y sOJ'ry. Yes ! Ruth .James i~ ill. Receives large bouquel. G-ChapcJ in study hall. "Chop pie" has a birthd ay. 6- T rumun House and Loi s Mitchell arc seen talking in the reception room, 7-Refol' lllution-Bob Hurl'ell earllS a new pail' of SOX. 8-School on Monday in ol'del' to tUI'll out earlier for Xmas. Soph. Coll ege , with Kerch, as sponsor, cats a whi le. 'Possum hunt. F resh. and football squad. 9-"Corporal" John son makes his chupel talk on C. Stanley Ha ll. 10-"The l mpol'tancc of Being Earnest" given by Expression class. ll-Indian gave an intel'estin~ talk in chapel. 12-Students send $25 to the Bensans, in China. I3-Joint society program . Mrs. Sears returns from Rochester, Minn. Rain, rain! No church, but long social hour. t4-Enrollment for second quarter. 15-Pictures arrive. Sad, but true! I6- Mi ss Woodring and lI enry Starnes have regular evening chat. 17- Petit Jean Colle{fiwi born to-day. I 9-J ess W iscman has his tonsils rcmoved . Hot mush! 21- Agne s Hamiter bobs her hail'. All go to see " T he Fool." 22- Misses Ruby and Rose-Marie Lowe ry, Agnes H amiter, and Ola Lotel' s pend the even ing' with MI'. and Mrs. Croom making cundy and popping corn . Group of boys and girls go rabbit hunt ing. 23-Miss Duncan plays tennis for a change. 24 - Howard Bevelhymer needs some help to caITY the packages and letters. 25 - Sister Armstrong retul"lls, feeling better and looking well. 26- Group spend day at the mountain. Return at a late hour. Glaser returns from the home of Jake Griffith, reporting a joyable time in spite of the ext r emely cold weather. 27-Roy Hal'l"i s and bl"ide return. 28-Dollie Adamson is wcaring a diamond. , Russe ll very en29-Emmett Blackshear is cook at the club dur ing the holidays . Mrs. Scnr~ bobs her hair. ~O-Miss DUllcnn bobs he l' hail'. CJi ITo n l Biggs and J ohn Adams per suade Truman Hou se to oil his hail' in orde r to make a better hit with Lois. ~l-Same hit r ecorded. W~\tch party at the Milner home e njoyed by the students who remained at MOl'I'iltoll dur ing the holidays . New Year's resolutions are murlllurcd. Flapper Grandmothe r (Dullcnn) dates with Ficlo. , , J08