PETIT JEAN Ye Old e Alma nack September 22- F'ol'mul opening of I-Ial'(iing, welcoming students fl'om sixteen different States. 23-Classes meet. Opinions formc<] and impressions made. 25-"Get-acquainted" meeting in Matthews Auditorium. Speeches fl'om all States represented. 26- Bl'yonian and Adclphian Societies meet, each entertaining new members. 27- 0111 couples step out and new ones step in. 28- Fil'st Monday-night meeting. Detabel' 25- I"il 'st Sunday-afternoon hike, directed by Mr. KCl'chevilie. 26- Gl'oup of H. C. nuts on a hike. November l - Bal'bcl'-Rowe method of osculation by wireless . Success! 4- Fil' st lyceum number. 6- Hike to the river. 9- Pl'ucti ce football game between societies. lO- John Adnms makes a plea for a holiday for the 11th. 11- lIc got it. Chickcn SUPPCI'. I2- Tcachers' mceting at Hot Springs. 13- 1I~!nlin g vs. Arkan sas Poly. We lose-13·0. 14- Mildred Cook and Jeanetta Phillips spend the week-end with Harding fl'iends. Io- Ircne Vevelhymcr hud a date with Wikowsky . IG- Fil'st staff meeting. Nevlyn Bishop shaved off sideburns. The Barbers are domiciled at their home on the edge of the campus. 17- Chapel devoted to sta ff speakers, including Ruby Lowery and Oakley Murphy. T odd s haves 011' his mustachios. I8-Photographer arrives and pictures arc made fol' Annual. 19- 1l cnry Stul'nes celebrates his birthday by having his picture made. 20- MI·s . Armstrong entertains Pathfinder Club at J ennye Hill Hall. 2I- Girls in home present Mrs. Armstrong with week-cnd case. 22- M 1'. Prince p r eaches. 23- Mesdumes Sears and Arlllstrong leave fOI' Rochester, Minn. 24-l"I'eshnulIl Academy go on a hike. No matches. 25- MI·s. Duvall, of Imb :Jden, spends Thank sg-iving Day with her daughter, Joyce. 2G- Thanksgiving! Spceches made by S. A. Bell, B. F. Rhodes, R. II . Johnson, Z. D. Barbe l', and L. C. Seal's at chapel. Lunch, C. I. A. 27- F'ootba ll. Subiaco, 0; H. C., 21. 28- Seniol' Academy get rings. Ray Hazlet is out after two months' illness. Date- F'. M. Kerchevi lle vs. Christina Johnson. 3D-Mrs. Cathcart, l\lisses Moody and Wood ring spend day in Conway. Kitch en force on hike. B. Loftis refuses date with D. Bland. Account, STUDY! Decembe r I - Kerch. mukes his first chapel s peech. Roy Sudbury, Ralph Welch, and John Valentine arc invitcd to mcet thePnculty at 4: 30. , , 106