1925-1926 Yearbook

t PETIT JEAN Petit Jean Collegian rm0l\.1 E ambitious members of the College Freshman Class, assisted by Dean Scars and Mr. Kel'chevi Jlc, are r es pons ible fot' the coll ege paper. Editors of the various depHl'tments were se lected and work s tarted. It was the wish of the sta ff to put out a clean, newsy college paper that would rcally refl ect the life of OUI ' schoo l and hold lip her high ideals. 1'0 do this we worked hard, but the work ha s been pleasant indeed. Allow me to present to you the sta ff. I" irst , meet Miss Campi e Dodd , from Alabama, g-enerai editor and edito rial sC I·ibe. Next comes Mi ss Carmel Warfield, of Arkansas, who presides over the purely literary co lumns of the paper. Now meet MI'. LeRoy Harbin, who hail s from Oklahoma, the man who writes up the student activities. Please meet now Mi ss Lcvic ia Hanna , the checrful miss f rom Tennessee , who looks aftcr the soci al write-ups for the Collegian. Now turn to Wilbur ("Skinny") Colson, fr om Gain esv ill e, Fla., the sun shiny youth and footba ll man, who is OU I' exce llent ad. gette l·. MI '. Luke Priba also assisted Mr. Colson with the advertisements. Last of all, meet MI'. Ker chev ille, of Texas, chairman ~f thc 1\'l o<lcrn Language Department, genernl adviser and oversee r of t he pa pe r. The sta ff wishes to thank Mr. Roy HalTi s, of the Lil'illg Message staff, for suggestions Hnd he lp . You, s tude nt s , have a goood time at home; t <.!11 L1w peop!c ab:H1t !l arding; bring some new s tude nts back with you. We'll meet you at, the train afte t' vacation is over. T!-IE STA FF CJ\ Jl.1I·I E D ODD LERoy lIARB J ~ C ,\Rto.1EL \\' l \RFIELD LEV [C IA J-L\:\,NA \VILBU R COLSON L UKE PRIBA F. ,\ 1. KERCI II~V JLLE FRAKCES R UBY l ... owERY . 98 Ediwr in Chief J\cli\'it)' Reporte r Literary Column Editor Soc ial Editor Bu siness \ Ianagcr Ass ista nt Bu siness J\ lallag-cr Fa culty Ad \' isc r Facu lt y Advi se r ,