1924-1925 Yearbook

• Harding College Beaumont Memorial Library Searcy. Arkansas Presented by Judy Earnheart whose father-iniaw did some photography for book

HUtf. WE F,ND , TO/v6II fS!N. TACI5 BOOJ<~ IN RIINNINti B/I~l<s , SEAI1, NSIN S roNtf Gooo IN E I>'EIf. yrHI 1I6

HAZEL RAYE WILLOUGHBY Editor-In-Chief HARVEY W. RIGGS Business )'Ianager

FOREVVORD In Ihis, Ihe firsl volume of the Petit Jean, we endeavor 10 present Ihe resulls of our efforls 10 porIray a living year of lIarding College, in words and in pictures. There have beenlessonsheed Ihem; Ihere have been pleasanl memories- cherish Ihem; Ihere have been mistakes- profit by them. We hope Ihal lhis hislory of Ihe Col/ege whose educalional advanlages and characler developmenl are considered imporlanl, will prove an inseparable friend, and invaluable Ireasure. 1J - -


- DEDICATION To Jame. A. lIarding, one of Ihe founders of Bible school work, who has probably, done more for Christian Education, and given more enthusiasm and impetus 10 the work Ihan any olher man of Ihe century, and in nlemory 0/ whom. our college has so justly been named, we affectionalely and loyally dedicale Ihis, Ihe (irst volume of Ihe Petit Jean. If

ORDER OF BOOKS I College II Favorites III Athletics IV Organizations and Activities V Humor and Advertisemen ts


AUTHOR AND COMPOSER OF ALMA MATER l... . n. SA:,,\I)EHSO~ MRS. ORJ1~ CATHCART F(>{> lln~ the n ecel:Hi ily of g e tting before th e stude nt body the principl e s (or whkh our be lo ved Alma )Jalc r stands. W e tri ed In our Simple w a y to ma k €' thal princ inle t e ll. " 'e c hoose the mediulll ot sung because a Sl o r y Me l t o m u s ic o ften make$ the m ost lasting impressi on. That it m a y find a perma nult pi ace In the heart and mind of every membe r ot the student body hs ou r slnct: l"e wl~h.

ALMA MATER "Dedicated to tbose who 10\'8 Harding Collel'e," Mr•• Flore nce M. Cathc..rt. Llo yd O . Sa.ade rlo n. Spiri toso. I ~ I . .. ~, =-t= '~p+=ci=~~H I ±£:.b.~-= £j £l_t~:l=~ • e-:. t9~ ~ ~. • t) - . - - iil- - . - .,. - -0 - --" .,... 1. In the foot hills of the Oz - arks, Ncar t o Pe - t it Jean; ~. Cbris-tian stand-ard i:i be L' mot - to; Cbris . tian life is !!tressed; :l. Ilard-ing 0 - pens wide her por - tals, Thus in - vit - ing all fp -Sf,rgp: e - ~ {§~~. .. f: s r r • ~ ~ Stands ou r ~ lo - ri - aus Al - lila }fa - ter; Hard - ing is hf' r name. And in cv - 'ry branch of learn-jng, Each one does his best. Who wo uld tread the path to knowl edge; Heed then t o ber call. I l' l' l' 3,' I' .. ..r:. "'~ !§~ - I TlJffG ~~=V--f' I ~: ~" • -- 1 1 - - ~ r '-----"' . V REFRAI~. Viltoroso. ~lj 1 jfu,;Ol i-tp4{J-J- ~-~t-ftFtp3 ~ I 6i . fIl- iii ~~ ~ .- Sing the cbo - rusl shout it loud - Iy! Eeh - 0 - iug thro ' the vale. .., - - "" " ]::..i. -5- -. cl a •• - :::;..!. ~. -oj• • ~-- !9" ~ -: - -' r ~~ o· ~~ 1@J~±==:j; I r ~, 4 - ~-{;;;3f' i pg ~ b::::l ~~-= ~ L <: '~@L1 __ tt5:4=J3J)g;fj=i=f==}:m Hail to thee, be - lov - ed lIa.rd - ing! AI - lila ::\la - ter, Hail! ~ i' ::._ . -.• ..!. . _ ~ .I . ..!. 5J~r ft iJfg. ~+E : r f$kD " ~W~ ( ,,19Z5/ Page 'l'hirtocn ~I

r _ ... .:..1 - _ ..... ,J--------------...., OUR PRAYER I .el lIIe be a lillie kinder, I .el lIIe be a lillie blinder, To Ihe fal/lls of Ih ose obol/I lIIe lief me be when I (fm weary, JlIsl (I lillie bil lIIore cheery ; I .el lIIe serve a lillie beller Those IIwl I (1/1/ slrivin{J for I.el /lIe be u lillie bral1er H'lIe" (emIJlfllioJ1 bids liS waver; I.el me slrive {/ lillie harder To I)e all Ihal I shol/ld be I .el me be a lillie lIIeeker lI'ilh Ihe br olher IIIho is weaker I .el lIIe l/lillk 1II0re of IIIIJ lIeif}hbor rlllti 1I lillie les. o{ lIIe.

1 9 2 5 Page Fifteen

J 1'::-';:-'; Yi': II I LJ. H. \ LI. S ( 'ltOt:(~ I :-'; 11 , \1. 1. 192 5 Page S ixteen

T h e Ced a r Falls 0[ P e ti t J ean 1 9 Z 5 Pag e Se ve nteen

aJrnu BOARD OF TRUSTEES O"I'I(IIIIS JOI•. J .. "~"""H"''' ''' . ....., "'"' ". T. ~""'-'T. ' ........... !<to •• n. " ""...," .",.. ,..,.".,~ ... ... ,. """'''It ,....~ ....... [>< ~ .... ~ •• h._·" .. ....." ,,, ........ -" . ,,~ ... .............. "'''''"'''' ,,'..................... 11< ..... ' •." ..._. " T. ~ .......... Iof,•• , ,'''''.n..,. ,'. It", "' '' ' ' ' ' ' ''''''". ".,,..'f, ""n'.' ~ ... . U, "''' ''. " ""' '' '''', "k.. " ..,. ". ~. ", ........ ""' ' ' '' '"' .. " ........ J ho ,. ·ro-... "- m., ~"", ~ " ......... ' .....0. r,,",,_ ... _ J " "~,,.,. Ul... '"_L ,' ..._ ." L '"_' ....... IIuc .,....... _ T" ,__ l ........... ~ .... J " " --... ,. ...... ..-..-.. ...... .--.... ,,,,,,no ,..........." ......... ...... .....,. """,bl-..... l>d"loln ... .... " J .... "~ ... " ,,,.;J"~'. "'~." ••• • , " ," , )I.. " .. ... " "'.' ' ' ' ' ' " •,~ ~ .\' .... - • " -............... ." ..... • • ... I.,,~ ''''''''- .'n.-.'. , ,- , .. -- Mu. 1 9 2 :l

TO THE STUDENTS OF HARDING COLLEGE You have been a greut factor In whateve r SUCCE'SS hus atte nded Harding Co ll c6:'e In this, h e r tirst yenr. Yo u and your fac ult y h ave pasHed through the eX I)erlenc~s. borne the burdens. a nd made lhe sa.crlflce Inc identa l t o the beginning ot a great and iml)()rtant work. It has been your prlvllt'gl' t o ('s l abllsh Ill"t'{'ed ents (or ruturt' s tud e nt bodies. Students ot H ardi ng College In all t h e y ears to come will apllt'al t o YOUI' acts In an crrort to Justify themse l ves In the dOings of things they themseh'cs may want to d o. Tra ditio ns o t lhe doing-a o f this first student body will be hundt' d d own front year to Yt'ur and (ro m g'l'lIc r ation t o ge ne r ation, e ve n so lo ng as the Instltulion sha ll live. From this dayan, where\'E' r you may go. whal l'n'l" you may d o, you will bt' n m essage from Harding Colle-ge. It Is our most sa ng-uln t· hoJ)t' t h at your lives may glorify h er fni r name by w:rlfying the Intrln,o,Jlc vl\lue of th(' high nnd h o ly Id t'als (o r which s h e stands. R em embe r tha t he r ex hne n ('l~ cannot b (> j u !!tlfled ullh:O!!8 the 1I "l's of h e r studt 'llts manifes t the princlpll,'s of ou r Lo rd , unl t:ss tht'y a r c true to Him who lOok upo n HlmseH th e form o f lL s rnlnt and W(' nt about d oin~ good, R e rn embr r t h a t H arding ('olh.'ge lives aH th(' re!!Uit ot: kN' 1l !<ac rirlce ; that every brick In Iw r wallM, en' r )' 1>ook In Iwr IIbrQr)', and t'H'ry piecll' of E'ilu ill llwnt In her laboratori es aI""(' the reSUlt of the inrlue nce of hrist ul)Qn heart s. Rt'mll'mber that .....e who m a n the institution wo uld betray 1I10St sacr ed trust d id we n ot make first the instilltng of the Ilri n el ples ot Chri s tianity Into th e hC'nrts of h(' r s tud t'n t s, Heme rnber, too, that whe rdn you fail to s uppo rt In WOI' <1 a nd life tilt' r t'ligion of our J.OI'd, It s lu\1l be a. source of d eCI) r egret to every mf'mber of your facuity, P.(,llwmber that e-"t'ry word at Cod is as truf' as ('\'er )' oth e r w o rd of (;00, and loyalty to nod I1h'anS lo)'alty t o ~\"ery wo rd ht, hu!! Hpokt' n , A s you becom(' men and women of affair". d o not torget the world's n eed or CJ\ristIan st'hools a nd th(' d ebt that you yourself 0 ,",, (' to tltt'm, Wncrt'ver your lot m;\)' be CMt , give your un!!tinted s u pport to t h ei r mainte nancc, He member the Lord is counting on you, Our Fathe r , blt·ss th('se, our childre n , Make UH'1ll a hl('sslng to this Ih'('d), world, and so long as they abide In thy WQI'k m ay thy Peact', which IlllliS~th all undentanding, guard their hl'a rt l:4 and lhdr thouj:IHS in Chrllil J eliW~, Aml'n, Brotitl;r a nd Siste r .\rmslrong. 1 g 2 5 I'agt' ~in('leen

I .I , ~ . A"c\I~T HO~ (i, Presldt ll l 1 9 2 5

31J:S. ,J. ~ .• \tL'']ST1~ONG D ean of "'Olllen 1 9 2 5 Page TWCllty-Olh:

.\. S. C ROOM, B. A" (~I A ,) Vice-PJ'csidcnt l\[A'rH 8MAT1("S "Get you I ' book.s when you find me, H. C. BELL, B. .A" ),1 A. Dean o[ B "ble "Pint.' day, isn·t it'! 1 9 2 5 L, C. ~E.-\ HS, H, .\" ".\1 . \. J)L'an EXULISll "Th,H i!; ",asy" K .-\. HI';]'L, B .•\., :\1. :-;, Biological S<:i<':I1e;e "Be pun." hi gh and 110])1(," ,I

l I!. H. ('OO;"\'S. B . , \ ., :\1. A. Phys i ca l Sdcll('1;' " I don't r('rncmb,' r ." U. 1'. HI LOD I';S,' B. A., :\1. A. !:;odal Scle, lce "Yl'S, lhat's right." 1 9 2 5 JI. C. S~I I T I I . B. . \ ., :'If. A., L. L . B, :'ol od t- rn l..anguaJ.;'t' " '1'00 late, laO lal4;'.. E. ('. S)lJ1'lI, B. A ' I ~l. A. EdU<':tlio n "\\'1.: 11 , now , I ' ll l'lI you f .. · llo',\' -;.

.\I.\I{(;.-\HI~T EHHES.\I.\:\ I-'uhlk Sp(,<lking and Art "Yl'S, but aft(.'l- all." ,. / -- .\11::::;, H, H, COOXS, B. . \ Ilome E('onoa li<:s "Oplional qUf'slions art! not my polky," I' a~tl Twenly-FoUI' 1 9 Z ~ l>rill l'iJ)al of A('a(]PIllY Dil't:'f,.'tor of AthlHks "Xow, folk, 1'('1)01 t in st ud,\' hall." S.U..LIE ELL IS HO('K.\i).\Y, B ..\, English "Lig-IHS OUl, {:iI'ls"

F .\:" ~ l g )I.\HIE M OOD Y " Iallo '" Iw\'\'r w .. ~ so lkk h d ." I:I •. \X("II E .JoY .,oSES \'olt'\' ·'.\ I ak\' your tlllh:~ round" 1J ct i t 192 5 (· II.\I~I.I·~ S "HEISI.I":I: \ ' i olln ·'HI;.:Ilt'r. )( b", 0, :-:.\SPI·:n:-:t 1:"\ \'II('al .\III~'I(' "\\' tdl tho It·.ulo-,·... i 'ag't' "'wt'llty- F I\'\·

1:(1:"\:11·: \Y(HH'IU~(: I.HlI',t l'ia n "\'"lIat--"it. I', wh,'n-why"!'" .\LLIE '\L\HIE IUI J.EY Phno\l\'i:d I':(illl'alioll "\\'('IIl"l thal b~' fun T' Page 'l'wcnty-Six 1 9 2 5 C, I!( IY ·1'1I0.\ll'S()X ( 'ollllll.n'iill "y,s, that' ... wh:1I I say:' REX,\ HAY WOOIlI{lXG Ei),;'hth (:r:l.d~· "{ <can't pos:-.ihly dl'op si).dll sin~inH'"

FIL\.':('I';S Hl ' BY LO\\, I":H.¥ S~·\.·nlh ( irad t' " I 'll do that Ill-Xl summ.,r." ).tH.S. IIAI{VEY 1{1(;(iS Primal'Y ""II s iwak t o ':\lr. Ri ggs." pet it .\lH~. "'r . :.1'" j:I UFFI:,\, I n t, "' I1I1 -d i:l (t. "r han- an _-X"t'i1tio!l.ll sixth grade," ~\ I J{S. OI{ II'; (',\'1'11('. \ RT Puhllt- S -hool l\ [u ~k "X()W, I'll tt-II you it dm-sn't."

TIll' fa('ullY as,!o\ume nil :lll"Y like immortal body and mind .\"'('l'ndt'd hHO till' diamond-Sludd('d, rO!;('-lint('d skit's Theil g'llZc' (1(,\\"11 ll1]'ou).;"h till' \':-\por and wind FI'C/Ill thl' nrduous Pl'tit ,Jt;'an peak to tht.' base with ~igh!';, TIH'1l t.lll'iI' froz.'n Iwarts hl'gin to LH.'at \V1UlI ('an that wi:-;(' old fow l be That on tilL' pinnac'lE' Is taldm.,:· his !';~Ht Oil ~ Ih~' ~"'S :Ind olhl'l" y'", "'t.'lliors of It. c" .\ 1lI'I'uliar noi",,' i!S al their (-11.1" .\ l<,;uil'rl:'l t'OIll,'", sl'1\IllI)I"I'ing' up the path F1:"sl 11I'"s hl'in'I" tht.'n hl' 5't:'~ms to !(';U' ".\l-i Iw Wl',,:-;t!t's with till' nuts called Hi~t()I'Y and )Inth, .\ huzzing' dl"OJ1\' ('()llIt'!o] up thl' steep mountahl It is not Yl'l'~" noi:-;y hut a, quid little be(' Thirsty fOI" knowh-dg.· and on its way to llll' foulltain ;-o;wJllJing hlTt' ;"lncl 11lt-I't· in tht· JJI"anl'ht.s of a ~wi"..ntifit· tn·t' Xl'xt lill'Y Ikhold :ll till' Illu:lntain's hast:' ,\ PUll with a 1001< half of (Par and hair of drt·ad (In his ~"oung, <.;a \ ;\g",' fa ("t,> J '001" Fn'shit' ]OOkl'd up hut ('ould not It·lI \\,hl']"l' the path led The ];n'it liny Slll't.'inH'1l al till' Iw~(' on till' I"(wk or English !J..; in mi!;I·l'Y. and III ,·adl t'YI" thl"Y ~"t' a 1";lr, '1'I1t'I1 :-;~'m[lathi:dng' with lhl' pOOl' A('allt'IIlY fi!:;h Tlwy 1)()lnl to tht· lop and l-ay, "}lUW, hush and lot, of good ("ht',·r." 'l'lw fae'ulty "'till ;':'uanl lhe ma!;('ot~ and tlw holy plncl:' .\nd to us Illu:..;j('al IIlt'lllOI'l"S l'('!w thl' day~ that \\"ent skimming along Hurtt,!' lhan I)dals failing' from 1'0St'!S nil t h l' J.,:'!'as!i Or' lik\" tilt' !-IIH,n, qu;('k ll!Jtl'!; of our "-\1 1111\. Matt'l" song,

College Seniors Y';" A:\'O OTHER V ' S 192 5 Page Twenty-Nine

l~htit f ]IAR'-EY "'IV. RTC(;S, P"l':-:id l' nl Calhoun, I":tntu(' k,\' ] r a I TlA~' Higgs i!; a n :aI a~H l·t to Il al'd· ing College. Ili s initiatin:, t' 1ll'I'.L:'Y, abitity as a iog-ical spt'ak('I' and HH a p r eachl"', and his amiab l e di sposi ti on make him l)I'omi nel1t. The qUl'ry, "may 1 make this liuggt'stionT' is c:ha l'ac l CI'· istil..' of h im. 1 9 2 5 P age '.rhlrty \ HA7.I;;1. I{AYI~ WILI.OUG I IBY. Sec. T ... :<0 .. 1., Okla homa l/ 'l7.el h:u; big, h"ow n l 'Yl'S and bobbl'd IHtir but iSl1't th t' rhl))lk'r tYllt'. She d evou rs dlUrl'h histor,\' and Anglo Saxon with as mu<.:h n : lish as she dot's beans. Her kt't:'n stnse of hymor and hl"l' droll " t'Il Lark s I11t" t' won Iwl' the l' !wiabll' <l1111t'llation "the collt-"g(> wlL" but h e r work as editor of til(> ann u al prons iWI" ahility ulh l' ,'wisl', Thl' comhinati ons Ill:l.kt' an nil-around glr' l.

(i!.;OR(:8 R HESSO:\' ('antUIl, Oklahoma ~I r , B~'Il!';()Jl Ita:.. 1'1' (1\\ n . plt'l'dn~ "y~'s th:n ~lan' from ",-"llI-ath tho!';", hnn·l't;d arl'lH"s, II " has a ('Olliou", SUI)ply of ~lllilt 'M and at lillh'r~ outhun:{s of l:1ulo:"htl' r that !'~-n'a l his joy in sl't"in~ utlll--r:. su ft( r ("0111 t ilt'" humiliat ion (If a Jflk~'. I h ' " t':-II)ondl'l with zt':ll and loya lly tu ~-Vl'ry undt ' !'lrtklnK in sl"ilII01. 1 9 Z 5 ~IH~ , ~I.H~ HI';"" DOWDY ~lorl'i1t(ln, .\rklll1!';a~ ~Irs. ])flwdy hal' \'I"llh-M lhat lhe h-a "hl r~ UI"I:' If:lrdinc g-irhi to cultt. \al~IUil'tIl\'s~. 1Il0dl'SlY. nnd lnlelllI{,-I1(',', :\ltII't'" than lhll'\ sht, ha~ md tlll'i l' appr(Jntl hy rna lTylng- InS l t 'll d or st·tking a hu~inl'~ l'I (·ar(:(' r. Sh e Is Jllt'"a~anl at all tillll"~. P a g e Thi r ty-On e

• A, B. REE E GraWn, California ~lr, Reese, with mild hi lit' t'H'S and a I'Icn'ne (' lI:preSslo ll , f"('!lI't'sl,nU:I the Go lden Stal",. H t' I~ a d l:batur and (:onst'it'nI.lOU~ s tudent, of whom hi~ I)r o f t'!'<!"() rs say, n,{tcr some O ll t' of the l'1ass has made a slah' nwn t, ...... l· l·haps Brotlwr H el' ~e will add to that ." 1 9 Z 5 ALL IE )IAHIE BAILEY Lamar, Oklahoma Allil ', lh<' athll'tlr girl, is a general ra\'orilt" Anyollt' who ('a n k l'(' J) thirty t empe ramental "gym" gil'hi working willinJ:'ly t OJ!:t' thl' r is It G'",niuJot. She has :t mil-whit,\ iOlls glint in ht'r urown eyt's .tnd lin upward lill at till' 1't/l'llel'S of ht>r mouth, \\'h l<'h d Cllo{t'!-I a happy 1j(-!'t'Ut' lIatun'.

pdit JJ can Juniors 'l'hirty-'£hree i 'age

.Page Thirty-Four JUNIORS BOOKER WILLOUCHBY Texola, Oklahoma " B I NG" Pres ident Cla ss, B. I., S., Ole C., Caj)l::ti n Basket Ball Team "Never let your studi es Interfere with your College work." REX.-\' R.\Y \VOODRTXG Texola, Oklahoma "HEXE" Secretary Class. S tudent teacher, B. L. S., H. H. H. C., :T. H. C., Ok. C. A c:haraCler worth knowing FnA~("ESHUBY L O\VEIlY Da\'cnJ)o l"t . Xci)nlska "FLUTT8R" Student tE'acht:' I' , B. L . S., I L I r. I r. C. , J. 11. C., \V. A A.,X. C. .An all--amund girl CLAHA \"IOLA BrGGS Seiling, Oklahoma "Clara Yinlo n" R. L. S., J. n . C., 'V. A. A., Ok. C. l::n.udent ' I'('acht' r ~he i s gentle. she i s shy, But there's mischief in h \:l" €,ye D8SD.-\:\IOX.\ S T AHK :'.rorriilon, A"kansas. "::\lONA" B. L. S., .\. C. BlUdf'nt teacher E\'CI'yone can sec a dignified girl Is she 192 5

1.A"·HEX("I~ B I L I .I:"\(;SJ,I';Y 1 1:11'11\'1', Kall::<as l.1ctit JUN IO R S A. 1.. K. Baskt>t Hali, Base Ball ";-;l()w ~nd l1lt-ditath'\· way!ol an' millt'" AX -' ' 'WII .HI TI-: Bul1('r, Oklahoma . \ . L. S .. J. H. C .. Ok. C. " M iss " 'i\lle" S Ilt" has a zt'al for l:!tudy RUB Y E S'L' II EH ::\l ~\T r.A(,K V lce·Pr esidt: 11t C lass, B. L. S .. . 1. H . C., Bas il , Ka n sas K . C. ' he says w hat sh e Ill ('H Il S. a n d mea n!'! what s he SU~ ..S. :\I RH. HAl{\' E Y UJ( :(lS Kentucky H . 11 . H. C., K . C., .-\. L . S. , Stud ent teacher . 'l' h y modesty is a ('andlt;> to thy ml.'rit. RV"" r BE I , [. )10rrl1ton, .\ rkansas .\. 1.. S .. J. II . C., A. C. Easily plcast'(}. 1 g 2 5 P age Thi r l y - Ji' l ve

• JUNIOR POEM ;';0 Junior wishes for a. cal} and gownThey c l aim the right to wear the fresher crown Of laure l and of ivy inte rtwin ed A s tok en of a wise but witly mindIvy fo r happiness, youth and mirth, Laure l for wisdo m and tru e moral worth. Kine of the t e n atte nded H arper College And cam e to H a rding t o increase the ir knowledge. 'rhe r easona [or thei r lead e r s hip are ample, Proving them fit to set a good eXaml} l e To all the other c lasses in the schoolNot one of th em wo uld violate a rul e! Fi ve, student l ca ch e .'s, whose ad vicc and aid H e lp many a lu c kl ess lad to mak e hi s grade. Three ll1('mbers of the unnun.l stn. f f, On e , best all a round gid-and th~ll'S not hnlf! One co ll ege wit, a half wit, too, is h e, One, marri ed a nd the r est Inte nd to b e , Their hobbi es, printing, '\\'riling poet r y, "'ith no s u ccess, the c riti cs all ag l'ee, Sight s ing ing, music, sports, d omestic art, And practicing to e ns na r e some one's faint h eart . Since th ese sage .Iun lors pel'feet d o appear. lmagine what a Senior c lass they' ll be n ext year. -C. B.

lJetit 4J can Sopho:mores 1 9 Z 5 Page Thirty-Seven

I "I . ' "Do ~t)U wish tht' wol"id Wl're h('llt-'r? Ll'l Illt' it-II YI)U what to do S"t a wall'll Ullon your flt·-tl()n~. K~~p t1h'1ll aIW~l) 8 ~tralght and true. Hid your mind of st..-Iflsh mOU\l'j,j. L l't Y4)U" t houghts be cJt.'ar and high " y-,u ,'an mak" a lilth.' Ed~'n Of tht' 81)lwl'" YUU OCl'UPY, l)u you wl~h lilt · world \\ "I't' wiser? ,,'dl JoIUIlI)(I~t' you ·make :1. stal'l. By alTlIlllulatlnK Wll'ldulII I n th~' l'!I'nlJl book uf your h ('nrt: Do not wasle une PRf.!'t' on folly Live 10 Il'al"II, and learn to live. If you want to gh'l' 1I\t'1I knowh'dgc You IllUJo>t gt'( it. l""e you giv(' 1)0 YO\l wh.1t the w orld w,'n' hallPY? 'L'h,"n l"t'lIIt'mill'!" day hy day .Just to hl"UUU' st>rd~ of klndllt.'ss .,1\10; YOll »HS~ alon,: lht' way, Fur tilt' )lit'asul't's or tht' many )Iay ht' ofttl!ll\.'s tract'd to one, Ali the hand thul plnnts an al'orn :-;ht'lh'n. arlllh'S from the sun," ;.", -]~Lr.A 'VHEELER WILCOX • ",

DEWITT GAH,RETT "SU~SHIXI<;" An agr ecablt·, jolly. intcrl'sting student ELLENOR lIA::'ol Eyes made to talk as well aM to sec. BENNYE BLANCHE DUXA,VAY An attractive, sWt'e t girl. JOYCE DUVALL "JOY" She Is characterized by her laugh and kindness. C. RAY TIlOMPSOX A husilw!';s man and a <It'h:ller HA Y1\10ND HAZLET ··HAY·' 'rhc vo\('e of a ni).;"htingall' and pride of a peaco('k. DOLLIE ADAllSOX Smiles even at dhmppolntrncnt CLINT SL-Hl:!.EIl "CHOPP I I';-- Xeat. pleasant :'\nd lu<:ky 1}(1!<$.t-s80r of beauliful hair. BESB BI';LL The cxpreRfllon on h ('r r<l.(,(~ rC\'('als :\ jolly charaCler. HEHBEHT HJCKAHD A noble, ambil iom:l young mnn. • 1 g 2 5 • • Page Thirly-Nlne

Freshmen 1 9 2 S P age F ort y-One

FRESHMEN ~lll.I)H I ·; 1) ('O(IK.E-.\ ji"\\'l'! of prkch'~~ worth HOIH:UT il ,\HHELI. , "B(,h'·-.\ n IllIw;'t.'nt (;aml,kr. .;\IAl1HTNE ({HODES, " M a"-"Ht.·J" \uk", wa~ cHr ~ort. g't:'nth: and lu\\ ., .Il' ( l l ) BL.\CK-'·Oh, (or :t lhuu ...and lOnJ:Ut.':( to talk.' " L. O. S,\~llEHl-'OX. "L. 0: "--" 1 am :-:'ir Orad", wlwn I ()P~' illY lip~ kl nu dill;' hark." Bl"TH .J ,\)tE:S, "J":ltty··-.\ dlllr ht\t'r of ('atl-i rq!":lrdh'jo<!" or ('(lior. OAKLEY :.\I L'HPHY-Ont:' wlHl blu:<lk!<. in tih kill'hl-II and (Ill th(> stalW HAI.I'II WIL.LOU(;HBY. "011\.: 1' Twll51"-'" dUlI't lik(· Arkan!otas dlnmlt'." J()II:-;XYI~ Bltt".\IITT-'·Whatt·\'t· r you think. I think ~o tl.o." :'II.\HIE HOBEHTS-If l·yt·rYOIlt' \\0.:1'1.' Iikt, ~Ih"t what a ~dlO()1 this wCluld ht;'. I)A\'ID HlCa:S. ··( 'alifornla"-.\n t:':qwrt in ba!otktl hall n~ \n-II as u lild' ('O\II'ting ALLI'~X Sl'J)J)I;;HTI I , " ~ lII r\" ation"-,\ ~ Idlt' as II pulntt'd Rhip lin a Il:lilltl'd O('t'an; ,:ood na t 1I rt'd, ,\I.\X BH,\S\\'ELI,-.=,ut !O() qUid as hl' h~okl<-, ML'HI':I':1.I. TOnn, ' '( '(In,,,,'dor,,o' '-" 'I. righl jolly l{ood fdhJ\\ i s Ill' , LOHAIXE ~P..\Hl"::~, "SpluttH"-A maid\.'n fair, thos...• ('ycs and oh that hair, <.' L Y 0.8 ),1 A '1'1' II EWS, "J )O(."·-l'>Of'st:.'Rses Undl, \'('IOIlt"d g(lot! inl('ntiolls, EJo'FI E HEUD- \Vt'ldon-, \ fI,\ \ 't't"'l, kind, t t" nd t' I' hl'ide LUC ILLE KEXNI '; I)Y-",\ !t· ~lIh('t'l, ('Ill st1H1u r ." LLOYD S\\,EAT, " B (' (! "-"Oh, to I"t:.'e {)ur!-it'l\('J-, as itill'rs SN' us, JIII .O,,\ J)A\'J~-:-';)lt' findti )WIJI)ltwsiol in Iwllll-{ IIkl'k, qUit." l and ~Iudi()us, l' L J\YTO:,\ :,\L\I!TIX-Thl' \\"urld ht'ar~ )..ast frulII Its wurlhk~t 1IIt'Il, HEBA IIEXLF,,'-\\'ilh a ",milt: sht.: (at.T'" I \t"ry dl(fi l' U]ty, ('HH I~TIXA JOHX!.:;{)X-\'alualJk ~4lods ("nml' In !'Omail I)a l'ka~t.'s, FH, \XK ,\ ('KE J!~-Tht , I'IIY whcl r ... main.. th,' !'Oallll' in ~un:--hilw o r hall">torm, Al'JIBEl ~LILXEJt-(llil' of lilt' mt'mbt'r~ flf llw (1I"l'hl'~lrn, HOY lL\HHI!-: , "~horty"-(hll' who finds "juy" "\\'11 i ll Jll'lnllllK ,\I HH. . \ , B. HJ-:I '~SI':-"S lil1 \\'all'" I'UIlJo! d l'\'P", ('LJ·;O HLl' I '~-,\ quid, Yt' l jolly, SJ)c('\ llH,' n of humanily, (:L\'OE PO PLIK, "Pu l )(:o l'n"- H \' is I ntt' IL"):;hd In offi('l'rs as "2\ t arshnlls," ST I·; J.I .. \ 2\IAR~HAI."-,\ frh'ndly ht 'art and "l{lIdln~" diflJ)oSillon, PEIH'Y GEOH{: r<:-);Hlhlng l'l'e r bother s nlt', TIIEOI>OHE :.0::: DlI'>l:: 1.2\I.-\.XX, "Tl'd"-C'an,' is an t'!H.;my to 11ft", BABE «;EORCE-,\ 1",lkn'r in (, ulthatln~ Instill, til'€" hahlt!ot, AL'THUR 2\lARGJ\:-50X-Women mean n ot h i ng to me.

COLLEGE FRESHMEN .I.\:\n: ~ , ,'001,1';, Hj\HHJ<;LL, HHOJ)I;:S, Rr..\CK, WIL[.(ll ' C:HnY, BHC)!, " T :-;1"IIIH':HTJ I, RHA:"nn·:T.L WI~LJ)()X , K I<:r\:,,\EDY, .JOII:-':~U.x , .\('h':I'~H:-;. ,'f)PLI:\ , :'>1.\ WHI.\ LL. • 1'01>1) HW!';.\'L', )11 L:\EH.. CiEOH{:E, D.\ VIH. HAHHlS, ZIMPE I .l\IAN~, lS25 )ll'HPIIY SAXDI';KS()X, (iAMBl.I;: RORF.nT~, HIG(;S SP..-\HKH, ~1.\TT1LEWS .\1.\11.'1'1.'1", IIE';';LI';¥ HEESE, BI~t:P. GEOHGE, )'L\I::'(~.\HO:\l Page Foro'-Three

ACADEMY 1 92 5 Page Forty-Five

petit SENIORS - OFFICEUSORBI A DO'VDY, P ,'esident LOTS :'\{A 1."l'HE\\'S, Secretary. " · rLLIA:'o.[ EAH.l~ L OVE-Tha t winning smile is always there. )..'I;:TTIE SCHUS'l'ER-"Laugh and the wOI'ld laug"hs with YOu." LOTS MATTJIEWS-Her Yoice would shame th~ la r k. H OWARD )lcMI LIiE '-Sleepy• .ret \'e l 'y much awake. RUBY LEE: PLUMMEH.-:'t.l eek, modest. a nd mild malden. I0\ THLEEN THO:\fPSON-"Nolhing eve r' both e r s me." REX SRYGLEY-"I never miss my beauty sleep." FLOYD l\f.\HGASQ);'-"AIi love's labor lost?" DOHOTHY MILNER-Bob haired but not a flapper. OH 13TA DO'VnY-"He who talks much , talks in vain," :\lARI OX PETTY-He Is neat and has a pleasant di sl)Osition. 1VILLTE '\VILHITE-An automatic walke!' a n d talker. HERBERT BAUBER-An artist and ch a u ffeur. EL L.EX l\IARGASO)l- 'he has a s uggestion for eve ry s ubj ect. BERNARD BRAZIL-He d e li ghls in boosling fO l' hi s stal e. KATHAN WALDHEP-" Where ig-norance is iJliss, 'tis folly to be wIse." • 192 5


lJetit --- ----- ---------- -- - - JUNIORS FRA:-:K STA B.K, Presid e nt ) IAHGA HF.T :\1.\ BR Y ,ti("\' ,'dan ' lHEXE: B I~V I '; I.IL YL\tEH.-" ('oml· a nd trip It a :-; ye ,L:'U, on th.,' light fantastit' lO('," XE\'LYX B 18110P-"'J'dl Illf' n ot In m Qul' lIful IItllnhl"'!oi, I ('an kl't' l) ;\ gi rl." CHARLES P f\ 'rE-"A handsome studious young man, " JEANE'l"J'E 1-' 111L 1..1P5--"1 don't t'thah. 1 d o n ' t bdit'\'l' a mll"d of it." FRANK 'l'AHK-"F'ainl h eart n e'e r w on fair lady:' :U .\H<:.\HI::'l' MABHY-" " a rl l' ty in d ll ll'~ 1:-; thl' spil'\' of lif,':' B. G. HOP8--V{' r y studious, good n;\luTc-d and dOIll L'Mth:. BERTHA BE:\'SON-"Tc lJ m e all about it." COHDL\ jIOpJ{J~H-Slw I )U~~l'8St'~ Jlaralyzint.:' t.Yt''-; a nd a ('ulIlInanding ch in . PAUL JEFFUS-I I ", makt.·s r.l u s ic ('vt" n o n a hand~aw . H. t.:~ SELL BOLEH- " 't;' know nOl what l~, 1<ay, l'X('l.'llt hI has a II t'W girl £!very day, );'r~\V'l'ON S'l'ANl<'OI!D-Therc is 110 sudl W01'(1 as 10\,\ ' in his vocallul:u'y, ('I.U\·EH SHO/;::\IAKEH-lle 11l' \'t' r l'uts a das~, :\L-\RRI~~'I'T,\ HE":\I-~h(> is witty. :s h l' Is W~I', but o n Hussdl !'Chl' I)iac,-'d h er eYl'S. \\·J.;:'\DE!.1. \ '. \:\,,))I':Jt\ '£ER-All thl' world IOVl'l-i a iloastt.'r 1 9 2 'J

~J ct it SOPHOMORES OFF/CEllS PAC !. n.\ "IS. Pn'!ddent HUB\" Sr:q;I.F.TOX. S~<: rt:lary HUB\" ST:\'(:L!::TO:-;'-An 1• .'Xlk l't o n the ba~kd ball court. PAl:L J>A\"S-..\ dandy good (".. lIow. (.'LIFTO.:\" ~1<:("AHTl'''H';Y-''X()t t·njoymt-nt. and nOl sorrow Is my way," HCTIJ .M.\PLE-A \'lo1t't by H m()~sy SLone. lIl'..:.:\'HY S' /'AHN I':H-"r am Il()litt' and [ IIkt' to ll.. al'll'-heg l>al'd on." CATHEHIXE l:H:;I ... L--.....\ J:"t'1II of purl'sl ray serene." :\I.\HY J;:DI'rJl FISIlE I{-"Wlth ~I>al'klillg- \ 'Yf-!-\ and \'oh:t: d, ' \ ' lnc." OTHEH FIXCHEH--"Let tht" !'\'st of th.... wo rld go by." )IAR Y TAYLOH-"XaughlY hut nice:' :\J.-\UfOCE GLASEH-"r dare do all that may bt'come a man. " :,\IAH. Y ADA .JOHN 'ON-Slw has an actlv€! longUt:. J LAS({ELT~ STANHRIDGE-Ilc Pf)~Sl'~~l'S a mls<:llle\'ous diml)l e In his chin LYX:-; GA~lljLE-"'t'ou nt.'H'r $l\\ Illl.' W I.'a I ' a frown," VIRG I L \ V I LLl i>- "Laugh and gruw thin," t 925

• FRESHMEN OFFI(;J,RS AI.BEH.l' 8;\ 11'1'11, l'n'~I{h'nl . \DDIE HAI~H)':n.. ~t·c rt'uu-.r LOL.\ :\L\TTHE\\-g-Tht.' kind (If n·d hair Wt' Iik(' to !:i('(.', ReSSELI .. C.L"~ER-.\ ~':1Il col1ector- -:,;!){·dalizl.'s in "Rublt!ti." CR,H'E RISIXtiEH-"Tht.' world Is mine." BHF.'\"TS THO~I PSO:'\-".\ barking dog tlt'\t:r iJites:' LE:"OlL\ (;1{ ,\DY-To know Iwr i~ ttl lo,\: ht'f. Annn..: 1l.\HBEH-HI·ady to do IH: f pal'l wllt-n called UI)on. LE\\ "IS GRADY-\\'ho knows what I!' ('unn'ah-d I);u"k of those blinking ey,'g. J E~' J':TTE )lll.XEH.- Jnlly and frkndly. SYL\'I.\ J IOPKTXS-"l\"t'\','r trouhh' ll"OuhJt> till lI'ouhh' u'o<.ll,lt.'s you," LI ' )L\IIE FJX'CIlI;:!t- "I,k not anXif)u!o\ hll' till' IlI(IITO\\", II\! ' uHl ay. " ALBERT ~)fI'l' l f-lt he "\"I' T hlu5; llI'd lin Oll(- ('fl uId cit-it ' d it. OPAr~ STROUD-Always the stunt', ('I L\ I: I~ES TlOBI ;OO()-,\ (:har:u.'lI r In l)W "Lt,Jt't-nd nr SlnllY J lollowo" MAREL. 1I0l-'1'.INH--Take lhinJt'~ as t1H'Y lit" lhal's my phllosophyo ROY !:itO,Hn:HHY-A uart> head(:d, sdl"llllrl,o t'xl)t'rlmt:nlf'r. E\'F:T,YX L .\.:\tBEn·I'-Busy as It 1)1'(' and hapllY and (n't". JOllX ~\nA':\I S-lli s hohhks an' e:ltlng :Ind arguin~, :r.lILVRED (OHOO:\I-Extremely di).:'nl(h·d. 1 9 2 5

- • = <;> 2 to :;, • il< ~ ~ ...., ~ - ~ ~ :;: ...., o~ (.) ~ ~ iT.' ~ <:r. ~ ~ ~ ~ --t::. ~ ..... ~ ...., 0- ...., ~~ 0 .,.. .... ... .;::, ~ ~ M-. ...., 0".. ~ (T<"' ~ ~ r rr ~ N ~ ~ v; ~ "... ~ ~ ~ N .;::, B ~ ~ tn ~ .-\ ~ ~ ~ ~ --t::. "I 1141 -

Page } i' j (ty -Two , {htit Wean] ""i "iii II Ii PRACTI CE SCH OOL Above-G r a mma r Gr a d es. AliddJ e--Inte rmediat e G rades. B e lo .,¢'-Prima ry. 1 9 2 5

II 'Hili ' ' 'Ii (:nl!tit Ir \. 1r JJ l!an) "iI, "ii' III! ~-- P IANO One of the most Ilopulnr or the school organizations and departments is that of music. The Instructor, Miss l"annie ~[arie ;'\foOdy. was a student of Dr. and Mrs. Emil \Vlnkler for twelve years at ' ' 'ard's Seminary, 'VardDelmont Conservatory and the "\Ylnklcl" Studios. '1'he ("lub llas experienced It most successful yea,.. They enjoyed Duoart program given by :Mr. l\Ianhehner, one of America's foremost pianists In conccr't in the new College Audilol"ium as well as a concert given in Lillie Rock. The club has steadily grown and is especially enthusiastic In securing, for another season, the best entertainments both vocal and instrument:'ll for our college and ('ommunity. The Club has to Its CI'(:'dit one of the most delightful receptions of the 8(:11001 year giw'n in honor o( ".'o[iss Brumitt, the fh·st piano graduate of the school. The function wa!i gi'·O;?I1 imml·diatt.'ly following )'I1ss Brumites recital on the new Baldwin COI1(·lrt Grand in the J. 1\I. Matthews Auditorium. ,,1 9 2 5 '----_/ Page Fiety-Thr ee

/' lJetit " 11 ta0 It," Ii II. 1111 .\ nT'1 E B.\HI3EH BESS HELL (".\TllERI~E BELL THESSIE BQ\VI.T:-.l JO!l:\,YE BRl')UTT BEXXY!;; BI~.\:\'CHg LL'SilY PA Ur. JEFFUS HEBA IIEXJ.... I~Y LOTS )(ATTHE\VS 1..01...\ )IATTIIE\VS {iEIL\LI>IXE !tHODES JUAXIT.\ RHODES LLOYD O. R,\XJ)I';HSOX ('LUTER SHEWl\lAl(£H \'EI.:\(A THO;\IPSOX BUSY SI:-:(;LETO~ ROLL ERX.E!i'rI:\'I": Dt::-;.\WAY :\1.\ O:,\1[ ti.\:\lBLE ELl.fo::-;OJ{lL\:\[ L( US HALL J{OYIL\HHIS fit;RY :MATLACK FI!A~('ES l\lILLEX HeBY LEE PLUl\H.lBR JE.\XETT.\ PIIII..r.TPS l\IHg. H.\tiSDALl": ])Jo;:-:I).nro::-\'\ STAnK l\lHK E. B. TUO)IPSOX LOUISE THOl\lPSON )L\JtY ELI.I.'::': " -EBB XEWTOX WIXBL.:HXE ,,1925


lIT l!f it 'JJeau) Iltll !I III .ill VOICE JEANI'.:1' ']'A l-'lliLLIPS. RA Y HAZLET ALLEX SUDDERTH. Lors :\[ATTHE\VS ROY HARRIS, Pugt· 1"I(ty-Slx JOY JONES (Instructor) )[RS. J. N. ARMSTRONG. " :\IUlile, t'\'l'r)' dream that haunts, with £11m delight. The drowlj)' hour bl.'lwct' n the day and night, Th l' wakdul drcam be tween the night and day.- Impr isoned. walts tor thee, Imll:lti e nt. Yl'arns fo r thee," 1 9 2 5 RUTH BELL

DOHHlS BAHBER, ADDIE BAHH I';I{ petit :v £nn) "'IX II Hi. .tli VIOLIN (' •• AHLES PHEI SLEH ( Inst ru l'tor ) E FFIE RI":DD \VIi;LDON STELLA ~l.-\HSHALL RL"Tl l JA)I IO: S ·' )'Iusk. thou lendest w ings t o grid to fly '-l.way, A nd wings t o j o)' to ,'each a h eave l y he lgul . •\ nd ('very dumb d es ire that storms with i n thy b r east Thou lead est fonh to sob 0" sing itself It) r~sl." 1 g Z 5 •


II "Ii' I 'iii ( 1J ld it :II £ n n J II"' Ii Ii'li " 1: II PAINTI N G VI"~1t C!.arth's /iLst "tu ~e ,r P4,,,t.d,. ,~.' }.nd the tuheG aret .. idet) a"~ dr;?.t, w'ht'n the C'/Je$;t e o)qtfl dte fod ed, Anl thr;. u n.Jest e?;t ie 1).: .t;Qd, We MI~)\ 'tdt ~l1$fdlth We sh.,» hetJ ~ ~t n f. J{;pF~8- )'L\HCARE'l' EIIflES.\L\X, Inslructn l" ROLL HO\VARD ::\IcMILLE~ CLARA BIG(;S HUBERT :\lcREYXOLDS THEODORE 'WIKO"WSK Y WILUE GRIFFIX lSZ5 HEHBERT BARBER ~;.\llf~O.:-\ DEA:--" Rt;BY LEWIS u ...·.. .. 'l.~;,.h. "1_

Jdtt JJtauJ "iI* iiii. .ill COMMERC IAL HOLL REX SHYGLEY. .-\ LLEX LOTEn, K.\ 'I'll I.P.E:\" T T-TOlUPSQS, :\1.\ n r 1-: ROBEH.TS, J IO\\'AHD ~'k)I I LLEX. 'W ILLIAM EAHL Bon:; (Instruetors) :\IHs. C. n.\ ¥ TIIO.\1 PSOX )lISS ROXIE WOODHIX(;, C, HA Y TIIO).tPSQX )fAf-{ IETTA BEL),!, HUXSELL BO'VI.RS, F:nXI;:ST I XE Dt;~_\\YA 'I, J)OHOTJI ¥ MTLXEH, ~ETTIE SCHL'STEH, I:mRX.,\J{J) BI{AZIL, :\I HS. EOX.\ 'VEBB, )lILDHED 1I 1X£8, EL-' Z.\BSTH S)lITr r, k'.,I1'\,\ L E E l\lA 'l"r' II EWS, NAT lIAX 'VALDHE1', J I AltOI.D BALCH, BEN.JA)'IIX PARETTE, BEH(.'l[ i\1.-\TTHEWS, ]·:U.EX )[A I -1.(:.-\SO~, L.-\\VHESCl:: 1',,-\"1''1'0:\, C.\RL .\URT I X, HOY ::;UDBERHY. Lon; MATTlI EWS. FR.\XCES M I LLE=", IREXE FAIHSIf, OPAL SHHAP, ELLEXOR HAM, MAHGARET HAl:\WATEH PAL"L. PADES, HUSSELL t;L.\SC:H 192 5 Page Sixty

----- (/) u ... - .... I;l ~ ~ 0 ~ z I ..... 0 i .... u ..... I ... W ~ W (T<" ~ 0 I 11::::a:::::E% - -- £ ~rn :2~ :!.,~ ::::: i :< 8 ;; 0 = ~ • > ~ is '" 0: '" :; I

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:::: t:I ~ M '"' ~ > t1") ,- .... ..... ..... ..l N e: " tn ~ ~ .... ("T"<"' -- :z:

l=: I;S ~ l....... J ..... . - " ..... ~ ~ :>< 0 OJ t;J :.- ~ l> lli -< '" N ,., '"' -< t:n '"' til .-\ e '" } o p

l:: I<S 001 l~l ..... .... ..... 001 M- >- 0 (!l 0 z ::> 0 O<! <: ..l ,.J <: f.; if) "' (!l V; N en ~ , , ~ i , , , , ,

lhH t :v ea n J I"IX 'II" .tli FOOTBALL SQUAD , j,:::' ~~ ~. The foot hall l ea rn of J [al"ding Co ll ege was organized at the ol>ening- of the year. :UOSl of tht' playt:I's WCI"{lo (·oll (·/-;'.,; Freshmen. Our Coad, was kill ed In ;J car accident ~oon afterward~. For this reason w~ did not play anymore. H e was a. competent Co;t('h and loved by all of us. WI..' did not f l:' €' 1 disposed to piay after that. Next yell r w e hope to hav€' ';I sll'ong t~am. with t h e OIl('S who an~ here thil!i YI-'al" that expect to be back. Those who "€'ce iv ed leUe ,':,! wen;-; Babe Geo l"g€', P e l'cy Geo l"ge. H erbel'l B;-U'bel' , Lloyd ~\I('('onne ll, .\ lunell Todd, Clyde :\fatLhews, David Kiggs and JI. J. M cC lung. SCOI ,n: Co ll ege of the O..:al'ks vs Harding' D:udanelle \/5 !-Im'cling ... Russellville Aggi e:;, 2n<l:-;, \"5 Hard i ng H endrix Academy \"5 Jhu 'ding FISER Fullbac k 1 9 Z 5 R IGGS Quarter 38-0 3-31; _ 7-10 ____ 10·0

• 8 H ¥ ' , x-·P::T , * l !;: '" ::: - " '" I;l ~:;l c: .~ ~~ C:" ¥- :.J O~ C~ ",-- P'" ::J O~ E-E- (II en .~\ V; N ..... . - .... Qi (II m >< ", or. c:~ ;;: "'l: ~ I • .J ~ .~ r.:~ ..... - '" .J ,.~ :-~ "'~ - E=~ z ::;: -.: ~ ~ ;:; 8 ~ ~ ,. "'" ~ o~ 0 :r~ .. en ~ ::. !ii() '5 > I ~ en ~ ,. d "' M M > ' 8 • , , r * •• • , • Me' , '

1111 iii" I Hill (petit JJ can) "iii "liM I II COLLEGE BASKET BALL TEAM I'OPUS jlA'"IS TODD IIAZLET S.\XDER::;OX :\1«:( 'OXSELL Hint::; \\"JLL-O {;GHBY (Suh.) (Sul).) (:uard 1o'(lI"ward. (CH lllain.) ('i"nlt'l", (C":\ptain) Fon\'nrd Guard Guard, (Camain) 192 5 Page Seventy-Five

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lJdi± :ill eltn COLLEGE BASEBALL SQUAD P I~ I{('Y CI':O HG8. " 1-' t-'l"C'e"-Short StoP A sure hitt~r and an ('xpel't fielcler. His prattle is unceal:!ing H O'VA RD ~I ::.' ) I ILLEX, "Sleepy"--()utfidder \Vht:>11 h~'s awaki,.' hi: «.:an't lye bt'at on fit.·lding or hitting E I. :\ IEH (;HA¥, "Gray" -2nd. Bm;e. Ont' of the bt'l':lt hlttlo' l"s on tht: dub. But, h t;' IHlS much to learn yet j-1. J. i\ l c(' I. UXG, " -E:l:!se"-Ou tfi(·l del" Ht' shags 'em down l'ighl. ('L1NT Sl'HBEH, "Choppie"-Pit<-her A. pit(-he l' of n o Ill t'a n ability, lIis ('un'l'S k(',-,ps 'em guessing. XA'l' I IAX ,VALDnEP "Sl'alu.>r"-('alcher Tlw utility man, "S('atu,:I'" is I"';u'ning mon' I.:\"(,' r y day about the game L. O. SA.'l'DEHSOX, "Loyd O,"-18t. Bas.... . \ good fi('ldt;'I' and fast m:tn. L. n, S\\'F..\T, ··Swl'aL"-lst. Base Slow but su r e-weak at the bat. CLt;;() x" BLeB, "Blu~"'-PildH"'r Harding"s " "'\("1;' '!'wil'l/:,r'"-a. cap it o l f t-llow and a good hitter r.T.oyn :"I(cCOXXELL '"Fal"-C'atcher OUI' 1't'l."l'i\"l'I'-.\ \'aluable man on all the points LO.'\,'I"]];; ETIlEfUDGE, '"Jzzy'"-ulility J !.its the hall and is fast B.\BE U EOHGR, "B:ll)(,"--Uutricldcl" Fastest man on the ~quad" Good hitH: I', base runner and fielder E).IMET BL.\CKSHEAR, "Doby"-:.lrd" Base. H e is the life o( 1h(' h'am and a good sport. Our ".All-around man," 1 9 Z 5 Page Scvcnty-Eig"ht

Pdit ] ean) hili iiiil ,til TENNIS CLUB 'l'tmn is i ~ an int t' r t'st ing and mild galll\': It Is SI>h.'lldid t'Xt' r ('ise and not eXt' l'ting. A few games w er e played Iwa r the o lwnlng of school , and at the taUt' " pan of t h e yeax on outdoo r eOllns. ) Iu t h intc l't-'st has been s hown h y l h t' f ew who p layed t ennis i n t he conh:slf.i. ACle l' t h e "g' ~;m" wa s COnl Uil'll' d sen'ral playe d on t h e indOO l' coun. Dlffl' n ' lll times WCI'C assiglwd to those who Jllay~d so th a t all who ca r l' c1 to. could play each day. '1'hl s being th e first year of the Colkge o rganizatio ns not muc h ha s bee n d one along thi s line, but. w(' ill'C looking fo r ward t o next ycax as a. g r eat yea r' In all a thl e tics and games. 1925

1111 jiiii i Hili (~tiit Wea") liii! "iii 1111 PHYSICAL EDUCAT IO N wen! E~'S '-\TIILETll' .-\HSo('r ATIO:\" This p"ar's work in Phy~'kai J::duC'atiOIl uncleI' the supervision oC Allie )Inl'il' Bailey, h:15 hl;.·(·n a period of growth and den~ loJlnH'nt, conSidl'!'!ng that it was the first ),l'al' that this course h<1s be(>n offen"d. Thi.' aim of llw wo r k has ht,t'n to help build up strong lH'althy bodi es and pl"l'pOln' the studl'nts for bt'lter mind de\"t'!opt1U-t1L and t'njoyment of lift:! lJy l>ngnging in hikt-S, gymna:-;lics, athlf:tks. and \,;\riOUi; gaml'S. 1 g 2 . 5

rJJ Ci) 0"" ~ .... 0"" ~ 0"" .... 0 ~ ""d § rJJ ~ 0 0"" "5 N 0"" § U;i ~ 0

~~§§~§s: lJ et i t ]J en 1t~§~~§§~~fll II ADELPHIAN LITERARY SOCIETY Th~ A dt'i)lhian Lilt-ran' SOd t"LY wa!i OI'!::'ltlllz t>d f OI tlw PUI'PO:;;l' or givi n g tilt- m",mbt'rs an opportun i ty to all lh' :l " In puhlk 1)I'O~Tam!'l lh .·re lJy H:rt"n1;'thc n ing alld dt' \"dol}ln~ tall nt ano a b lll , -, Tht' l)d):ltl ' l-I and f'th kti (' ~ w,' n' t wo ., r l h. · most intt'I'\,: stin~ \,'0IlL(' S( 8 h t' ld h.\' th t, t\\"o l'lO('il'li t'K .\IOTTO .. " I)OII't Ht, a (" I'an k. B t:" a Sd f ·startt'I':· ('O[.ORS: ('he rry and \\'hi,l c OFFICli US 10'1 ItST ·n~H.\I H ..-\ Y IIAZLJ!:T, P" t;' sidclll .'"LDHED COO KE. StT l ' l;'wry SE:COND T8R)1 no y I IAl{ltl!-), l-'resi ci l'nl AI.I.II': B f\ILI~ Y , Sccr.... htry FIFTII T8H..\1 CLEO H I .UI;:, P n C" sl d l' nl Hl'BY S IX(;I. I':TOX, !:;t;'l' !'I.' lal'Y THIH.D TE lnl .II ' I)!) RLACK , Presldt' nl IH,;SS BE!.L, S t' tn.. tary FOeH'I'H TERM 11.\1t,'r;y H./(j(; S. PI't'~ld\'nl )[HH. IIA H,'E \ ' H I (H :S. tieC'. SIXTII TEIUl 1.. \ WHI;;;\,< ' I!: 8 1LL I ~(:BLgy, "'1't: sldt;'lIl CESS HF:I.L, :-;t"t-!'Pt: l!'Y 1\11 88!i ¥Hii (1 9 Z 5) "Ii Iii! III Page Eighty-Thr ee



'" :.J -' " ;3 ::: ~ '* " II") ;!: N '" ;I: i- " w Rt '" .... ~ en ...... =.r. .- .... '* ~ >- ("T'<'" ;:: . ... ..

petit ;JJ £an) .. III ,,"I iill BRYONIAN LITERARY SOCIETY Thl' Bryoninn Lilt· ran.. Soc.' it-l)' WHiol or~anlZt·d nl' ar the.' (llll'ning u! s(-ilOol fur the.' purpCll'\,-, of dt'\' t' lo))ing studt·nt~ ali wl'il :l!-i for l' ntt'nalnnll'nt. It r~ .. c.... ln·d il~ nanw from tlH' ~rt'at ('on1lnol1,"r, Br)'a n and his ehanwh'r was tlw Inspiratlull of tlw Illotto-- -gland Trut', \\-h:\t(" u Ht'tidt·'· (,ol(}n~-PurJllt· and ( : oJd 1·' l ltH'!' 'I ' I~ IO I O f\I( L EY :.\J l "HPII Y, Pr('s ldent KA "' 111 .. 1:: 1': :'" 'l' II ( n i PSOX Sec. T IIIB !) T E rL\ ! C. itA Y TH01\1 P~OX. Prt·~ldcnl II AY- I;; !... H"\Y I~ "'JLLOl"( ;IIB Y, S(' (' r(·tary 1"1 1"'1' 11 T I~ H~( L. O. ~A:,,:n l·:HROX. Prc.:fl ld t' 1l1 FHAX( ' EH Hl"BY' LO \ \T I '~H Y, SI:{' rl"W ry S i':(,O :-.1f) 'I' 1 ~ 1L\1 HEX.-\ WO()DH I ~(;. Pr('sidc.'nl ) II{K OR I E ("AT" f'A HT, Sc.>e. F OUIt ' I' 11 '1'1:; l U I L. "". C II AP I ~. Prt'~l d {"nl .JOYCE I ll· ' ·ALL, St' .. rt;<tary S I XT H TEHi\I HOREHT JI J' HHELL. Pn' sldem ('HR IST I XA .JOIIXSOX, Sl·C'. ~ I



lhtit ~£Gtn) CIIII OIiM II .. COL LEGE DEBATERS MlJHPH Y, JI.-\7. LI<; T, T ITO) fPSON BLACK, H l(i(; S Th \:" in t e l' -eoll,'gialc d l:"bati n g teams haH' mad ", a n o;-xl"dlt' tH b eginning this fin;l YL"ll'. The d ehatE'S arc not o nly educati o nal and be n efl('ial for the pa r tieip;). nlS b ut are al~o a m eans of p r omoti ng f l 'i t' ndlin l:!ss and goodwill among colkges. Tlw fO l'ensic dtc'IKu'UIH: nl , dir(>(,tl'd !J Y P.'o(esso r L. C. Sean:;, h as bl' ~ n :; ivt' ll SPeci~L l at tenUon. Th c~' han.' all wo r ked dilli gen tly. Oakl ey ::'-'lurphy and C. Ha~' Thompson met l h t:' A. and ~\1 . Co\leg'o:: t!:am at Stillwater , Oldah oma and w o n tht;' d edsion . Thl:' Y a l :-;o Illt·t t h e Tul sa U n ivcrs i t~' t ('am at M OITillOn a nd WOIl unanimously. 1-I <l. I'\,t;'." K ig/;~ and Judd Blac: k d e bated with Shawn o:p Bapti st Coll ege bu t b c'- inl; on til L' affi r mative 5<;i cil:', t h ~ most di rricult, tht.,y los t. J udd BhH: J< and Oakh' y l\ l ul'phy mt:l t h e Oza l'ks at l\ l o l'l' ilton and won the d ecision , i' ll', ) l urph y or T (- l1n t.'!:lSt.' t- ha s e ng;lg't.'d in six intt: r -socitty d t.' lx~t;js in t h i!'; coll ege and a t J JaI'W'r,Kansas, and the inte l ' (:oll eg i ate d e bat.. s with Abilene, Davi d Lipscomb, S tillwat.-l· a nd th t· Coll ege or t h ~ OZHrk :;;. Thi s yeiu" it ch apter of t h e P i K :q)Jla D elta. an h onorary d ebati ng f ,'aternily is to be o r ga n ized at H , C', 1 g 2 5 ,'---- P age ?\ine t y

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r 1J et i t 4J can COLLEGE QUARTETTE CROO),[ HARRIS SANDERSON HAZLET The College Quartette, directed by L. O. Sande r so n, has IJI'ovid ed the best of musical e nte l'tainment [or the sch ool programs. and has ad\'crtlsed the Coll ege by Its singing in many places outside )10 ITlltoll. The only advertisement needed for :L pl'ognlm is the announcement, "Th e quul'lNte will si ng," 'l'he renson tal' Its IlOlluhHily lies not altogethr in musical ability but in personalily as well. Ray's soulful gaze upwul'd as he reaches high C, Lloyd O's lordly sel{·possession, Roy's Infec tious, uneontrollable grin, and the sonor ous rumbl e of C,'oom's voice as it sweeps down to low bass G, all combine with songs of th e highest class to mak£: a quartelte of I'are ability. 1 9 2 5 Page Nlnety·Two II f

Pdtt 'JJ £Nlt) "". Ii 11 M illl COLLEG E ORCH ESTRA OFF/ CE liS FA~l\'JE )[AH I I;; ) l OODY, Dirt.'<.'tor C TI H ISTJ :-\. \. JOJ-L\'SOX. Prc~ident AUDRY )'II J...XKH, Secretary. ARTHUR )1. \ Hli,\ SOS, 'l' ,'easurl'l" HEX SHYGL EY, Huslncss j\'Ta nage r E).IMET'l' B I ,ACKSIU!AH, Publidty Man ADo rE BABBER, 1.. lbradan The Harding Orchestr a. was organ ized December :.10, 1!J24 with an enl'o ll llll'lll (It twenty-nine enthusiastic membl't's, all virtually I.wgill1ll'l's. From lhe loud blow of altos, the noisy S(IUawk of T I'ombol1cs, the shrill squeaks of violins and general discord or all instrunwnts it has progn.:ssed to a band of musician!:! able to lake its l)lacc in school acti\"ltil'S. 19;2 5 Page Xinety-T h r ee

lJetit J1 ean BOARDING CLUB OFFICIALS The ('olh'~\' ('Iub i~ n sdf-~o"\·rnin~. st" lf-8ullI1ortiug" Ol'ganizntion. eOrllJlo:-;\·1 of all tht- bon rding ~t ud l· nt:.<. Th... t."quiJHlll·lIl, :;..'rvice. and food ro;"quirL'd to IH'Ovide meal s i s Jll\id for by thl' ('lub. each Illt"mht'r paying fiftccn dallan"! a month toward lhi.: com Jl1 o n fund. '1'ht' at'lual I.'ost of board is eOlll putNI at t h e end of thi' school y,,'ar :ln d the surplus o z' d"'fidt HIJPortlOIli:'d to t.'lH h Club m embe r. 'rhl' Club d eci d es by pO]lulHI' \'o t t! \:'xa~' tlr what lh l' (art- s h a ll Iw frum icc el'CHIll o n Sunday to beans o n )'Ionda)", and i f suggt"~t i o m; or ('>olll plaint s ,-U'(' madl' to the (''Xcc:uti n', t h eY,ll'\:, lllkl'!l up with tilt' ('lub a nd you' d upon. Tlw st udents m ay ha\'c \isiton! at m el\ l !i hy pOlyi ng l'l.'g'ular \ Lsilor s pd t'l'K Th~y may buy food f"om the .. 'Iuh, Bo~ S <lnd gil'ifot t',U tog-t'llh'l' in Olle bu'g'\' dining--,'oom <-'ontaining nint' tablt>~, Tht, mHna~t' lll t' nt o f tht' ('Iub of 1!j2 1·2;) wa fot g'i Vt '!l to L, O. Sand~' I ':;, Thos€' of tht- Complaint C' ) lllmittl'l' al'", Oakley :.\lul"lIhy, Hl'na \\'o {)(jl'ln); and ,Joyce Du\'all TIl« ""kite-hen rol'~'~" inel udl's :\In.:, H, ,', Bt'II, :<Ulh>n i SO I', P. C. Bakel', (: f)ok and four girls and two boy~, a:.<si~tallti'. ~Io:-:t of t ilt' l'qulpm t'nt ufott'd t hi s yea ,' w:u. d Olliu e d by the lJ a !"l)t'" ("olil'g't' Club oi' 1!.2;~-21. Sinl'" b uying has bl'l'll d o n e at \\' ho l t'salt! pl'\ c-es, eX j)ic' n sL's ha.\'t;- hn' J1 kl'IH to a minullllllll, !<o thal tilL' ('lu b was t- nablt:d to eonu'ihule ont> dr,ll:II' \'a;:h month pel' I1h>mlwl' towal'd th e buHdill); fund o[ the IWW du b hall wh k h is bt-'i ng" huil t IH.)W, On till' wholi' HJis ~r:-;h'lll is mOI'L' ~atisfrl<'tOl'Y and hOI11C-lik .. than any plan that has b.·.·n U'il'd OU\', 1 9 2 5 Page Xincty-Four I I

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\ lJdit 3}£&n) 1111. "MiC II .1 ~ /' ~ " HAZEL HAyg " ' ILLOUGHBY, Editor HARVEY W. R IGGS, Business Manager "I, AFj'r " f OHD \Vt' neYf'r cut :1 (·1:lSS nor worried not :t bit Thill perhaps the book would be delayed. \Ye new'!" thooght of allnllal wl1('11 in da~H wt"'d sit, Or doubted that the bills would all be paid. TOlking pictures was an (: asy task, The copy all cnme i n when due :\[oney came in every time wc'd ask So did photos, and 8lla l)8hot8 too. ,Ve'\'e worked our hardest to displease \Ve fail ed enU l'cly to appn' (' iatc assisUlllce, EX-Ct'])l from those whose purpose was to tease And fl'iendly cr iti cism mel with s t ern resistance. A few wee, tiny hours with broom, ))('n and paper were Silent In the annual room, or on business ch n.scs The grey h n ll'8 and wrinkles that ha.ve come Haye not malTed our once bC:-\IYling faces Now, nil our poetry Is e<l ual to that of Poe ::\1'0 ("1'1'0 1' ca n be found the whole book through Remember then, it was not hard, oh no! If you don't doubt the tmtll of this-we do! 1 9 2 5 Page On e Hu nd n~d On e

l:: ~ ~ ~ tM N ..... .- tn ..... ~. ..... H ~

lJct it :n ean) ¥iii' IIUi 1111 Calendar Sc-Pt. 2::-11. (', Olh'nioi doOl's to studl' !HS f"olll 16 dlff~·rt' nt stal<'~. S'"lll. ~ I-HI'~istr;1tion and dassificatio n. HI' J}t. 25-- Pupll~ Illl'l'l 1 ('\\' I t'aciwrs, and wor!'!" , h 'adlt- rl-l Ill t'l· t Ih.'W PUllils. St'Pl. 2i-Fh'st wt;'l' k gOIlt" hut n Ot forgOllt'll. ~t· l>t. 2S--Churdl and m'w fal't.·s. foil-pL. 2!1-~I'al'('h (01' washwoman. HqH. ~O Book~'r Ilnd H aym o nd arrive. (I(' t . 1-.<':': (' h o1 ~oin){ (ilw. O(' l. :1-l\ l oonlight lundl a ll the Al'ka mms Hi n: r hank. ON. 4-Ho('ll'lit':-; organi:'.\.'. On. 5-"Boh" H:HTt' lI still (",aI'S tht> "fair !'It'x." O{'t. Ii - Sl'('ond nODI" ee l t· IH',ltes, ::\1I~s 11 ()('kaday inten l'1l1'S. Ot't. i - I.lo)'f! O. Sandt'n.;on, l<' nnis champIon. O('l, s-( '1";1:-:1\, hanK, .Johnnyt- falls on',' a ('hai l ', ('hair :it' I'lously injured.) (kl, II-H()(,It'li",~ gin' Ol)t:ning programs, 0('1, 1::- - (;11'1 :01 Wt' rn to Pl' tit .I ('an, (TI'u('ks lal t', ) ON, 14-Voothall ganw Harding \ S, Dar. dll Ih'l It ', O('t. I i-Bny'lol mt'i"l brollll'r .A rmstrong- :iUIll1.' loIi,t.:'1l a Illt'dg1.', (ll-t. :IO-Judd Hla(' k mak1.'5 a "1)10'1)" :oI 1k'C('il in (')lalh'l. (kt, 2=1-B;tll J.;'a"I1.', llanl lng \S, H endl'jx " PU)):oI, " 0('1, 24-:\11', Thollll)ROn, athl",ti~ {,03.eh, killt ,(], Da\'ld HIggs' skull fra{'t u"1.·d, "'-1'('1' (;\:'01');1.' s" I'iously injur~u in auto :u'dd c nl. 0('1, 26-L1'c('ulll number, Ol'l, :l1-Blg sodai affair in th e "gym," hl' /-:'ins, ON, ;ll-~I)Ook~ \'ildtE'd girl's dOl'miLOI'YLOI'airll' and Il axd o n ly ones in donnHOI'Y found a5h.'eJ), XO\, I -Olga Ki\'dl an d Huth J am€'s go lO town , Ntn', 4- Llord fohn'at says, ,, [ d on't like tht ' WOlllt'U: I just lo\'e them," :\()\, ;;'-Ht:'Hns and pot:1tO("S, }," (n', 6-Potfttot:'s and twa n s, S., \', ~-Ht'ans and potat oes in a diffe rt'nl form. No\', !.-Bt.'IHlyt' Rlancht:' gO('l< to breakfa",l. N'm-, IO-~l ildrt'd g'l'ts l ocked o u t of h el ' room. X u\', Il - Ht'x, Olga, ('hur('h, 1'\11\, l::-!"alh'd to see "(' 11('",1' Up," :'\' 0\', 11-.\rthul' )I:\I'/::lso n d idn't eat bUl ~t'\"t'n hisl'uils rOl' b r'(' llkfasl. X" ", 16-Foothall game, Nfl\', }i-,\dt,IJlhians win a r " t'e 1);"0:;'(' in t h., annu:ll, XU\', :W- I"I'I'Mhman ('Ia~s hikt's to golf IInki'l. I-kma r"kablt, 1'l'MUlls fO l ' Htc ll a and (:Iy<k, No,', 22-(:0 to Rt't' "Hohin Hood." N o\', 2i-Than](sg]\,lng-'I'urkl')' and 1('(' _ tun's on tht' ground, Big Illet'ling, Bro , Elalll '!'l \'isil, nt"" l-.'-iou I), n t,t, ;)-( : 0 to !;t't.' "Tlw Gut:'Sl H e lililwf'," ] \t', 6--( ;old fi s h all tlw I'age, llt,(" ~-))oll)' and D t-win-as l' \'er, Ilt·t" !I-'" St't'n BI'O, Sear s make o u t lhem h'Joit qUt'JoillollK" n t'{', lO-\\"lwn it rains it l)Qurs, ] )t't', 12-\\'cnl to movi es again. 01.·t', lS- '1'hir'd t ... am d t'bate bt'twt'l.' n so. dt,lit'M-Hryonlami win. nt'" , I ~~- I ':xaIll8 0\\'1"-( 'hrlstma~ vacat i on D u', 20-:\li!<s )loody gOt'S 10 Rue na. \'iSla. t o :';I)('n(l , 'Ht'll U OIl, ))t'(', 27-II:lxd bobs he" ha.ir-(debate in l' t'('t' IHi o n l'OOIll, ) D t'(', 2:I-Ba{'k to !«'hooi-) !i ss Hoxll' ha ~ bohbed h ai r, 1 9 2 .5 Page One H undred Th r ee

$:; l;l 0; i- F.> .... . - .... 0; /.1"

II 'Uil i iii! (JJetit ] ean) "Ii' I IiIi II Ii •. II C.-ILEXD .4 R (Colllilllled) Dec. ;~O-[,~'(,:t'UI1l nU lllhi: r. Dec. ::1-\\"at'-h party. Jan. 4-('hll'a and ~\laI'RH I' L'l t.·xpl<"·~ ~ngi ne or fn· jg h t train. Jan. ;}- ),lbs Il ud<aday, ).11'. Bensonturning I)(,int. Jan. 8-1: 'II I)h 1)lay!ol a stntight game of rook. J an. 12-1;0)"8 \'isH gi l')' !'; dOI'milo!"y (uncx - Pl'(' h·d.) Jan. l:i-Ha~kd hall ~Pllll t· bdwt:-t'll the 80- (:ii:: tit.·~. J an. l,-C ;i!']s 1lI()\c to nt·w dormitory. J an lS- C'ko st ill the s ilLnt 10\"1;:1' , J an. l ~'-.\n Olh l.: 1' baskctl>all g"ume. J an. 2 1- Huq;;'l an. t'1l1t'I't'd Clint' s and )lul'n: II' s n )O lll. Jan. 25-.Jt':uktta car ri t's cicctl"i c light bu lb ,( I' ()und to mak t' 1ll' 1" aplh';'tl' brighter. J a n. 26-l.l o ~· d S\\'t'at knoc k l'd ba::;ki;.'l hall. ou t by J a n. 2i-.Judd Black Wl'it!' lS IWW pail' oC l l'ouSt·rs. Jan, 28-Thompsoll. O IH' of . \ml" r ica's best read t' I'~, rt;' a d s at thtl colh:ge. Jennye Hill Iiall gl l'l s t.' ntl· l'lain the Girl's H e - se rve hnnll:'diatdy after. F e b. 7- Se('ond tl-am d l'batt;: between two soc idies-. \cl d llhian s win, F eb. 11-)11', (;idt'ol1 Hi~n;s of California visits SdH)O] and l-iJ) t'aks in c hape l. Ft'b.J6- IIHI'ding \'~. Ct' nlt'1' H i dgL~ Baskl'lba l l. Feb. IS.-Uon ('al'ios ,JalH'S visits Collt'ge and Ikgins illustrated ket u n'li on forl'ign mi!':-.ion<ll·y wOl'k, F\·b, 20- H,u'lling d dt'ats n u:-:st"i ld llt' .\ggil'S, Ft'i). 21 -L~'('t'um numht·r. Dr, ).Iill's. l ectur t' l' a nd iZll ! 1t I'SI.!II atl' I' , F eb, 22-DI·. :\ 1i1 ~'s sJ}l'a k s In ehapd and says thl' Iwst W:ly to b e g r eat is to b e smal l. 1\ l a n.:h rl-Fn.'shman c lass goes to P e tit J~·a n o n truck!;. Ellt-n wounded. )lal'("h l:\-(;ir ls ,i~il h oy's d Ol'lllitOI-Y. \'; hy d id l-iOI)W of the bo~'s obj ect ? ).lal·dl l~-Thit'd floor h an! a fel' d just be1'111'" 1.4/1·:'Iil1t' Iptln-S-llaradf'. ).lan·dl IG- I.o r aint.', Dadd, Bookt'r and l: alph ll,:tvc. ).lan·h IS- Fil 'st dl<l]ki St;' I' ,'it't'S in n ew Hudit(lZ'i u lll, ). Ia nnht' iml·r. one of .-\ m el'- h:a's Illo:,;t d lsti ng ui s h t:'d piani sts plays on B:l.ld"in ('OIl Vt' 1't Grand, 1\1;lI'(:h 2~-).lo('k wl'dding- Huth officiates. l\Lu'(: h :}O-{'o ll l'gl' Juni o r s and S(-niors go t o J't'til ,] p:lll , l\lan·h :lI - D(,lmte in ('hapd-.Judd·s sympHthl'ti ~' pl t-ading, Higg's s wing of the right a 1'111 , Oaklt'Y's pOWl'l', TholllJ)son' s ( 'al rnnt ':-::-: , A]Jril 1-( 'I (,<l n up day-lunch on the ~TOUlld, Apl'i\ :: - Bas l 'ball gamic' at COIl\\'a~', Apl'i\ 4-l h,' b a t e with A, & M, College at :-;tillwa tt'I'-w~ win, Apl'il ti-Dt'lJatt! with Shawnee CollegeWe lose. AI)!'il Il- J) l"ba t e with Tu lsa Uni,'el'sitywe wi n . A p ril I S-Big banquH fo r benefi t of :-:dwol-Ill Hd t' money-lost h ea lth. .\pril JI)-'Vt·t· k IH' l'a<;!l(' I's' meeting begins. April 20- 1;1'0. }knson announces his plans to ~n to ( 'hina as a rni:-:si o nar..... A1 Jril 22-SinH,:sl' Twin!':.. \Ili e Bailey and ('];u';t Biggs ~i\'l' birthday s uppe r - b a d dl"'illH~ all night. ApI'i! :H- B. F, Hhod t's fOI'gt'lting his wife Wai; at dlun'h with him, wHlked home alollt·. AI·ril 2:;'-lh·IHHt· with College of the O:t.lll'k~-\\'t, win, ,·\ pl·iI :!.i-.\nnual g'() \ 's to ])I'o,:$S, ,.\ pri I :!fI-l 'ol l \;,g\' Juni OI'-St' ni ol' banquet. ::\1a)'-).lonll1 of IH'og-rams, ,,19"Z5/ Page One Hundred Five