1924-1925 Yearbook

II 'Uil i iii! (JJetit ] ean) "Ii' I IiIi II Ii •. II C.-ILEXD .4 R (Colllilllled) Dec. ;~O-[,~'(,:t'UI1l nU lllhi: r. Dec. ::1-\\"at'-h party. Jan. 4-('hll'a and ~\laI'RH I' L'l t.·xpl<"·~ ~ngi ne or fn· jg h t train. Jan. ;}- ),lbs Il ud<aday, ).11'. Bensonturning I)(,int. Jan. 8-1: 'II I)h 1)lay!ol a stntight game of rook. J an. 12-1;0)"8 \'isH gi l')' !'; dOI'milo!"y (uncx - Pl'(' h·d.) Jan. l:i-Ha~kd hall ~Pllll t· bdwt:-t'll the 80- (:ii:: tit.·~. J an. l,-C ;i!']s 1lI()\c to nt·w dormitory. J an lS- C'ko st ill the s ilLnt 10\"1;:1' , J an. l ~'-.\n Olh l.: 1' baskctl>all g"ume. J an. 2 1- Huq;;'l an. t'1l1t'I't'd Clint' s and )lul'n: II' s n )O lll. Jan. 25-.Jt':uktta car ri t's cicctl"i c light bu lb ,( I' ()und to mak t' 1ll' 1" aplh';'tl' brighter. J a n. 26-l.l o ~· d S\\'t'at knoc k l'd ba::;ki;.'l hall. ou t by J a n. 2i-.Judd Black Wl'it!' lS IWW pail' oC l l'ouSt·rs. Jan, 28-Thompsoll. O IH' of . \ml" r ica's best read t' I'~, rt;' a d s at thtl colh:ge. Jennye Hill Iiall gl l'l s t.' ntl· l'lain the Girl's H e - se rve hnnll:'diatdy after. F e b. 7- Se('ond tl-am d l'batt;: between two soc idies-. \cl d llhian s win, F eb. 11-)11', (;idt'ol1 Hi~n;s of California visits SdH)O] and l-iJ) t'aks in c hape l. Ft'b.J6- IIHI'ding \'~. Ct' nlt'1' H i dgL~ Baskl'lba l l. Feb. IS.-Uon ('al'ios ,JalH'S visits Collt'ge and Ikgins illustrated ket u n'li on forl'ign mi!':-.ion<ll·y wOl'k, F\·b, 20- H,u'lling d dt'ats n u:-:st"i ld llt' .\ggil'S, Ft'i). 21 -L~'('t'um numht·r. Dr, ).Iill's. l ectur t' l' a nd iZll ! 1t I'SI.!II atl' I' , F eb, 22-DI·. :\ 1i1 ~'s sJ}l'a k s In ehapd and says thl' Iwst W:ly to b e g r eat is to b e smal l. 1\ l a n.:h rl-Fn.'shman c lass goes to P e tit J~·a n o n truck!;. Ellt-n wounded. )lal'("h l:\-(;ir ls ,i~il h oy's d Ol'lllitOI-Y. \'; hy d id l-iOI)W of the bo~'s obj ect ? ).lal·dl l~-Thit'd floor h an! a fel' d just be1'111'" 1.4/1·:'Iil1t' Iptln-S-llaradf'. ).lan·dl IG- I.o r aint.', Dadd, Bookt'r and l: alph ll,:tvc. ).lan·h IS- Fil 'st dl<l]ki St;' I' ,'it't'S in n ew Hudit(lZ'i u lll, ). Ia nnht' iml·r. one of .-\ m el'- h:a's Illo:,;t d lsti ng ui s h t:'d piani sts plays on B:l.ld"in ('OIl Vt' 1't Grand, 1\1;lI'(:h 2~-).lo('k wl'dding- Huth officiates. l\Lu'(: h :}O-{'o ll l'gl' Juni o r s and S(-niors go t o J't'til ,] p:lll , l\lan·h :lI - D(,lmte in ('hapd-.Judd·s sympHthl'ti ~' pl t-ading, Higg's s wing of the right a 1'111 , Oaklt'Y's pOWl'l', TholllJ)son' s ( 'al rnnt ':-::-: , A]Jril 1-( 'I (,<l n up day-lunch on the ~TOUlld, Apl'i\ :: - Bas l 'ball gamic' at COIl\\'a~', Apl'i\ 4-l h,' b a t e with A, & M, College at :-;tillwa tt'I'-w~ win, Apl'il ti-Dt'lJatt! with Shawnee CollegeWe lose. AI)!'il Il- J) l"ba t e with Tu lsa Uni,'el'sitywe wi n . A p ril I S-Big banquH fo r benefi t of :-:dwol-Ill Hd t' money-lost h ea lth. .\pril JI)-'Vt·t· k IH' l'a<;!l(' I's' meeting begins. April 20- 1;1'0. }knson announces his plans to ~n to ( 'hina as a rni:-:si o nar..... A1 Jril 22-SinH,:sl' Twin!':.. \Ili e Bailey and ('];u';t Biggs ~i\'l' birthday s uppe r - b a d dl"'illH~ all night. ApI'i! :H- B. F, Hhod t's fOI'gt'lting his wife Wai; at dlun'h with him, wHlked home alollt·. AI·ril 2:;'-lh·IHHt· with College of the O:t.lll'k~-\\'t, win, ,·\ pl·iI :!.i-.\nnual g'() \ 's to ])I'o,:$S, ,.\ pri I :!fI-l 'ol l \;,g\' Juni OI'-St' ni ol' banquet. ::\1a)'-).lonll1 of IH'og-rams, ,,19"Z5/ Page One Hundred Five