1924-1925 Yearbook

lJct it :n ean) ¥iii' IIUi 1111 Calendar Sc-Pt. 2::-11. (', Olh'nioi doOl's to studl' !HS f"olll 16 dlff~·rt' nt stal<'~. S'"lll. ~ I-HI'~istr;1tion and dassificatio n. HI' J}t. 25-- Pupll~ Illl'l'l 1 ('\\' I t'aciwrs, and wor!'!" , h 'adlt- rl-l Ill t'l· t Ih.'W PUllils. St'Pl. 2i-Fh'st wt;'l' k gOIlt" hut n Ot forgOllt'll. ~t· l>t. 2S--Churdl and m'w fal't.·s. foil-pL. 2!1-~I'al'('h (01' washwoman. HqH. ~O Book~'r Ilnd H aym o nd arrive. (I(' t . 1-.<':': (' h o1 ~oin){ (ilw. O(' l. :1-l\ l oonlight lundl a ll the Al'ka mms Hi n: r hank. ON. 4-Ho('ll'lit':-; organi:'.\.'. On. 5-"Boh" H:HTt' lI still (",aI'S tht> "fair !'It'x." O{'t. Ii - Sl'('ond nODI" ee l t· IH',ltes, ::\1I~s 11 ()('kaday inten l'1l1'S. Ot't. i - I.lo)'f! O. Sandt'n.;on, l<' nnis champIon. O('l, s-( '1";1:-:1\, hanK, .Johnnyt- falls on',' a ('hai l ', ('hair :it' I'lously injured.) (kl, II-H()(,It'li",~ gin' Ol)t:ning programs, 0('1, 1::- - (;11'1 :01 Wt' rn to Pl' tit .I ('an, (TI'u('ks lal t', ) ON, 14-Voothall ganw Harding \ S, Dar. dll Ih'l It ', O('t. I i-Bny'lol mt'i"l brollll'r .A rmstrong- :iUIll1.' loIi,t.:'1l a Illt'dg1.', (ll-t. :IO-Judd Hla(' k mak1.'5 a "1)10'1)" :oI 1k'C('il in (')lalh'l. (kt, 2=1-B;tll J.;'a"I1.', llanl lng \S, H endl'jx " PU)):oI, " 0('1, 24-:\11', Thollll)ROn, athl",ti~ {,03.eh, killt ,(], Da\'ld HIggs' skull fra{'t u"1.·d, "'-1'('1' (;\:'01');1.' s" I'iously injur~u in auto :u'dd c nl. 0('1, 26-L1'c('ulll number, Ol'l, :l1-Blg sodai affair in th e "gym," hl' /-:'ins, ON, ;ll-~I)Ook~ \'ildtE'd girl's dOl'miLOI'YLOI'airll' and Il axd o n ly ones in donnHOI'Y found a5h.'eJ), XO\, I -Olga Ki\'dl an d Huth J am€'s go lO town , Ntn', 4- Llord fohn'at says, ,, [ d on't like tht ' WOlllt'U: I just lo\'e them," :\()\, ;;'-Ht:'Hns and pot:1tO("S, }," (n', 6-Potfttot:'s and twa n s, S., \', ~-Ht'ans and potat oes in a diffe rt'nl form. No\', !.-Bt.'IHlyt' Rlancht:' gO('l< to breakfa",l. N'm-, IO-~l ildrt'd g'l'ts l ocked o u t of h el ' room. X u\', Il - Ht'x, Olga, ('hur('h, 1'\11\, l::-!"alh'd to see "(' 11('",1' Up," :'\' 0\', 11-.\rthul' )I:\I'/::lso n d idn't eat bUl ~t'\"t'n hisl'uils rOl' b r'(' llkfasl. X" ", 16-Foothall game, Nfl\', }i-,\dt,IJlhians win a r " t'e 1);"0:;'(' in t h., annu:ll, XU\', :W- I"I'I'Mhman ('Ia~s hikt's to golf IInki'l. I-kma r"kablt, 1'l'MUlls fO l ' Htc ll a and (:Iy<k, No,', 22-(:0 to Rt't' "Hohin Hood." N o\', 2i-Than](sg]\,lng-'I'urkl')' and 1('(' _ tun's on tht' ground, Big Illet'ling, Bro , Elalll '!'l \'isil, nt"" l-.'-iou I), n t,t, ;)-( : 0 to !;t't.' "Tlw Gut:'Sl H e lililwf'," ] \t', 6--( ;old fi s h all tlw I'age, llt,(" ~-))oll)' and D t-win-as l' \'er, Ilt·t" !I-'" St't'n BI'O, Sear s make o u t lhem h'Joit qUt'JoillollK" n t'{', lO-\\"lwn it rains it l)Qurs, ] )t't', 12-\\'cnl to movi es again. 01.·t', lS- '1'hir'd t ... am d t'bate bt'twt'l.' n so. dt,lit'M-Hryonlami win. nt'" , I ~~- I ':xaIll8 0\\'1"-( 'hrlstma~ vacat i on D u', 20-:\li!<s )loody gOt'S 10 Rue na. \'iSla. t o :';I)('n(l , 'Ht'll U OIl, ))t'(', 27-II:lxd bobs he" ha.ir-(debate in l' t'('t' IHi o n l'OOIll, ) D t'(', 2:I-Ba{'k to !«'hooi-) !i ss Hoxll' ha ~ bohbed h ai r, 1 9 2 .5 Page One H undred Th r ee