1924-1925 Yearbook

\ lJdit 3}£&n) 1111. "MiC II .1 ~ /' ~ " HAZEL HAyg " ' ILLOUGHBY, Editor HARVEY W. R IGGS, Business Manager "I, AFj'r " f OHD \Vt' neYf'r cut :1 (·1:lSS nor worried not :t bit Thill perhaps the book would be delayed. \Ye new'!" thooght of allnllal wl1('11 in da~H wt"'d sit, Or doubted that the bills would all be paid. TOlking pictures was an (: asy task, The copy all cnme i n when due :\[oney came in every time wc'd ask So did photos, and 8lla l)8hot8 too. ,Ve'\'e worked our hardest to displease \Ve fail ed enU l'cly to appn' (' iatc assisUlllce, EX-Ct'])l from those whose purpose was to tease And fl'iendly cr iti cism mel with s t ern resistance. A few wee, tiny hours with broom, ))('n and paper were Silent In the annual room, or on business ch n.scs The grey h n ll'8 and wrinkles that ha.ve come Haye not malTed our once bC:-\IYling faces Now, nil our poetry Is e<l ual to that of Poe ::\1'0 ("1'1'0 1' ca n be found the whole book through Remember then, it was not hard, oh no! If you don't doubt the tmtll of this-we do! 1 9 2 5 Page On e Hu nd n~d On e