1924-1925 Yearbook

lJetit J1 ean BOARDING CLUB OFFICIALS The ('olh'~\' ('Iub i~ n sdf-~o"\·rnin~. st" lf-8ullI1ortiug" Ol'ganizntion. eOrllJlo:-;\·1 of all tht- bon rding ~t ud l· nt:.<. Th... t."quiJHlll·lIl, :;..'rvice. and food ro;"quirL'd to IH'Ovide meal s i s Jll\id for by thl' ('lub. each Illt"mht'r paying fiftccn dallan"! a month toward lhi.: com Jl1 o n fund. '1'ht' at'lual I.'ost of board is eOlll putNI at t h e end of thi' school y,,'ar :ln d the surplus o z' d"'fidt HIJPortlOIli:'d to t.'lH h Club m embe r. 'rhl' Club d eci d es by pO]lulHI' \'o t t! \:'xa~' tlr what lh l' (art- s h a ll Iw frum icc el'CHIll o n Sunday to beans o n )'Ionda)", and i f suggt"~t i o m; or ('>olll plaint s ,-U'(' madl' to the (''Xcc:uti n', t h eY,ll'\:, lllkl'!l up with tilt' ('lub a nd you' d upon. Tlw st udents m ay ha\'c \isiton! at m el\ l !i hy pOlyi ng l'l.'g'ular \ Lsilor s pd t'l'K Th~y may buy food f"om the .. 'Iuh, Bo~ S <lnd gil'ifot t',U tog-t'llh'l' in Olle bu'g'\' dining--,'oom <-'ontaining nint' tablt>~, Tht, mHna~t' lll t' nt o f tht' ('Iub of 1!j2 1·2;) wa fot g'i Vt '!l to L, O. Sand~' I ':;, Thos€' of tht- Complaint C' ) lllmittl'l' al'", Oakley :.\lul"lIhy, Hl'na \\'o {)(jl'ln); and ,Joyce Du\'all TIl« ""kite-hen rol'~'~" inel udl's :\In.:, H, ,', Bt'II, :<Ulh>n i SO I', P. C. Bakel', (: f)ok and four girls and two boy~, a:.<si~tallti'. ~Io:-:t of t ilt' l'qulpm t'nt ufott'd t hi s yea ,' w:u. d Olliu e d by the lJ a !"l)t'" ("olil'g't' Club oi' 1!.2;~-21. Sinl'" b uying has bl'l'll d o n e at \\' ho l t'salt! pl'\ c-es, eX j)ic' n sL's ha.\'t;- hn' J1 kl'IH to a minullllllll, !<o thal tilL' ('lu b was t- nablt:d to eonu'ihule ont> dr,ll:II' \'a;:h month pel' I1h>mlwl' towal'd th e buHdill); fund o[ the IWW du b hall wh k h is bt-'i ng" huil t IH.)W, On till' wholi' HJis ~r:-;h'lll is mOI'L' ~atisfrl<'tOl'Y and hOI11C-lik .. than any plan that has b.·.·n U'il'd OU\', 1 9 2 5 Page Xincty-Four I I