1924-1925 Yearbook

Pdtt 'JJ £Nlt) "". Ii 11 M illl COLLEG E ORCH ESTRA OFF/ CE liS FA~l\'JE )[AH I I;; ) l OODY, Dirt.'<.'tor C TI H ISTJ :-\. \. JOJ-L\'SOX. Prc~ident AUDRY )'II J...XKH, Secretary. ARTHUR )1. \ Hli,\ SOS, 'l' ,'easurl'l" HEX SHYGL EY, Huslncss j\'Ta nage r E).IMET'l' B I ,ACKSIU!AH, Publidty Man ADo rE BABBER, 1.. lbradan The Harding Orchestr a. was organ ized December :.10, 1!J24 with an enl'o ll llll'lll (It twenty-nine enthusiastic membl't's, all virtually I.wgill1ll'l's. From lhe loud blow of altos, the noisy S(IUawk of T I'ombol1cs, the shrill squeaks of violins and general discord or all instrunwnts it has progn.:ssed to a band of musician!:! able to lake its l)lacc in school acti\"ltil'S. 19;2 5 Page Xinety-T h r ee