1924-1925 Yearbook

r 1J et i t 4J can COLLEGE QUARTETTE CROO),[ HARRIS SANDERSON HAZLET The College Quartette, directed by L. O. Sande r so n, has IJI'ovid ed the best of musical e nte l'tainment [or the sch ool programs. and has ad\'crtlsed the Coll ege by Its singing in many places outside )10 ITlltoll. The only advertisement needed for :L pl'ognlm is the announcement, "Th e quul'lNte will si ng," 'l'he renson tal' Its IlOlluhHily lies not altogethr in musical ability but in personalily as well. Ray's soulful gaze upwul'd as he reaches high C, Lloyd O's lordly sel{·possession, Roy's Infec tious, uneontrollable grin, and the sonor ous rumbl e of C,'oom's voice as it sweeps down to low bass G, all combine with songs of th e highest class to mak£: a quartelte of I'are ability. 1 9 2 5 Page Nlnety·Two II f