1924-1925 Yearbook

lhtit ~£Gtn) CIIII OIiM II .. COL LEGE DEBATERS MlJHPH Y, JI.-\7. LI<; T, T ITO) fPSON BLACK, H l(i(; S Th \:" in t e l' -eoll,'gialc d l:"bati n g teams haH' mad ", a n o;-xl"dlt' tH b eginning this fin;l YL"ll'. The d ehatE'S arc not o nly educati o nal and be n efl('ial for the pa r tieip;). nlS b ut are al~o a m eans of p r omoti ng f l 'i t' ndlin l:!ss and goodwill among colkges. Tlw fO l'ensic dtc'IKu'UIH: nl , dir(>(,tl'd !J Y P.'o(esso r L. C. Sean:;, h as bl' ~ n :; ivt' ll SPeci~L l at tenUon. Th c~' han.' all wo r ked dilli gen tly. Oakl ey ::'-'lurphy and C. Ha~' Thompson met l h t:' A. and ~\1 . Co\leg'o:: t!:am at Stillwater , Oldah oma and w o n tht;' d edsion . Thl:' Y a l :-;o Illt·t t h e Tul sa U n ivcrs i t~' t ('am at M OITillOn a nd WOIl unanimously. 1-I <l. I'\,t;'." K ig/;~ and Judd Blac: k d e bated with Shawn o:p Bapti st Coll ege bu t b c'- inl; on til L' affi r mative 5<;i cil:', t h ~ most di rricult, tht.,y los t. J udd BhH: J< and Oakh' y l\ l ul'phy mt:l t h e Oza l'ks at l\ l o l'l' ilton and won the d ecision , i' ll', ) l urph y or T (- l1n t.'!:lSt.' t- ha s e ng;lg't.'d in six intt: r -socitty d t.' lx~t;js in t h i!'; coll ege and a t J JaI'W'r,Kansas, and the inte l ' (:oll eg i ate d e bat.. s with Abilene, Davi d Lipscomb, S tillwat.-l· a nd th t· Coll ege or t h ~ OZHrk :;;. Thi s yeiu" it ch apter of t h e P i K :q)Jla D elta. an h onorary d ebati ng f ,'aternily is to be o r ga n ized at H , C', 1 g 2 5 ,'---- P age ?\ine t y