1924-1925 Yearbook

1111 jiiii i Hili (~tiit Wea") liii! "iii 1111 PHYSICAL EDUCAT IO N wen! E~'S '-\TIILETll' .-\HSo('r ATIO:\" This p"ar's work in Phy~'kai J::duC'atiOIl uncleI' the supervision oC Allie )Inl'il' Bailey, h:15 hl;.·(·n a period of growth and den~ loJlnH'nt, conSidl'!'!ng that it was the first ),l'al' that this course h<1s be(>n offen"d. Thi.' aim of llw wo r k has ht,t'n to help build up strong lH'althy bodi es and pl"l'pOln' the studl'nts for bt'lter mind de\"t'!opt1U-t1L and t'njoyment of lift:! lJy l>ngnging in hikt-S, gymna:-;lics, athlf:tks. and \,;\riOUi; gaml'S. 1 g 2 . 5