1924-1925 Yearbook

Pdit ] ean) hili iiiil ,til TENNIS CLUB 'l'tmn is i ~ an int t' r t'st ing and mild galll\': It Is SI>h.'lldid t'Xt' r ('ise and not eXt' l'ting. A few games w er e played Iwa r the o lwnlng of school , and at the taUt' " pan of t h e yeax on outdoo r eOllns. ) Iu t h intc l't-'st has been s hown h y l h t' f ew who p layed t ennis i n t he conh:slf.i. ACle l' t h e "g' ~;m" wa s COnl Uil'll' d sen'ral playe d on t h e indOO l' coun. Dlffl' n ' lll times WCI'C assiglwd to those who Jllay~d so th a t all who ca r l' c1 to. could play each day. '1'hl s being th e first year of the Colkge o rganizatio ns not muc h ha s bee n d one along thi s line, but. w(' ill'C looking fo r ward t o next ycax as a. g r eat yea r' In all a thl e tics and games. 1925