1924-1925 Yearbook

lJdi± :ill eltn COLLEGE BASEBALL SQUAD P I~ I{('Y CI':O HG8. " 1-' t-'l"C'e"-Short StoP A sure hitt~r and an ('xpel't fielcler. His prattle is unceal:!ing H O'VA RD ~I ::.' ) I ILLEX, "Sleepy"--()utfidder \Vht:>11 h~'s awaki,.' hi: «.:an't lye bt'at on fit.·lding or hitting E I. :\ IEH (;HA¥, "Gray" -2nd. Bm;e. Ont' of the bt'l':lt hlttlo' l"s on tht: dub. But, h t;' IHlS much to learn yet j-1. J. i\ l c(' I. UXG, " -E:l:!se"-Ou tfi(·l del" Ht' shags 'em down l'ighl. ('L1NT Sl'HBEH, "Choppie"-Pit<-her A. pit(-he l' of n o Ill t'a n ability, lIis ('un'l'S k(',-,ps 'em guessing. XA'l' I IAX ,VALDnEP "Sl'alu.>r"-('alcher Tlw utility man, "S('atu,:I'" is I"';u'ning mon' I.:\"(,' r y day about the game L. O. SA.'l'DEHSOX, "Loyd O,"-18t. Bas.... . \ good fi('ldt;'I' and fast m:tn. L. n, S\\'F..\T, ··Swl'aL"-lst. Base Slow but su r e-weak at the bat. CLt;;() x" BLeB, "Blu~"'-PildH"'r Harding"s " "'\("1;' '!'wil'l/:,r'"-a. cap it o l f t-llow and a good hitter r.T.oyn :"I(cCOXXELL '"Fal"-C'atcher OUI' 1't'l."l'i\"l'I'-.\ \'aluable man on all the points LO.'\,'I"]];; ETIlEfUDGE, '"Jzzy'"-ulility J !.its the hall and is fast B.\BE U EOHGR, "B:ll)(,"--Uutricldcl" Fastest man on the ~quad" Good hitH: I', base runner and fielder E).IMET BL.\CKSHEAR, "Doby"-:.lrd" Base. H e is the life o( 1h(' h'am and a good sport. Our ".All-around man," 1 9 Z 5 Page Scvcnty-Eig"ht