1924-1925 Yearbook

lhH t :v ea n J I"IX 'II" .tli FOOTBALL SQUAD , j,:::' ~~ ~. The foot hall l ea rn of J [al"ding Co ll ege was organized at the ol>ening- of the year. :UOSl of tht' playt:I's WCI"{lo (·oll (·/-;'.,; Freshmen. Our Coad, was kill ed In ;J car accident ~oon afterward~. For this reason w~ did not play anymore. H e was a. competent Co;t('h and loved by all of us. WI..' did not f l:' €' 1 disposed to piay after that. Next yell r w e hope to hav€' ';I sll'ong t~am. with t h e OIl('S who an~ here thil!i YI-'al" that expect to be back. Those who "€'ce iv ed leUe ,':,! wen;-; Babe Geo l"g€', P e l'cy Geo l"ge. H erbel'l B;-U'bel' , Lloyd ~\I('('onne ll, .\ lunell Todd, Clyde :\fatLhews, David Kiggs and JI. J. M cC lung. SCOI ,n: Co ll ege of the O..:al'ks vs Harding' D:udanelle \/5 !-Im'cling ... Russellville Aggi e:;, 2n<l:-;, \"5 Hard i ng H endrix Academy \"5 Jhu 'ding FISER Fullbac k 1 9 Z 5 R IGGS Quarter 38-0 3-31; _ 7-10 ____ 10·0