1924-1925 Yearbook

lIT l!f it 'JJeau) Iltll !I III .ill VOICE JEANI'.:1' ']'A l-'lliLLIPS. RA Y HAZLET ALLEX SUDDERTH. Lors :\[ATTHE\VS ROY HARRIS, Pugt· 1"I(ty-Slx JOY JONES (Instructor) )[RS. J. N. ARMSTRONG. " :\IUlile, t'\'l'r)' dream that haunts, with £11m delight. The drowlj)' hour bl.'lwct' n the day and night, Th l' wakdul drcam be tween the night and day.- Impr isoned. walts tor thee, Imll:lti e nt. Yl'arns fo r thee," 1 9 2 5 RUTH BELL