1924-1925 Yearbook

II 'Hili ' ' 'Ii (:nl!tit Ir \. 1r JJ l!an) "iI, "ii' III! ~-- P IANO One of the most Ilopulnr or the school organizations and departments is that of music. The Instructor, Miss l"annie ~[arie ;'\foOdy. was a student of Dr. and Mrs. Emil \Vlnkler for twelve years at ' ' 'ard's Seminary, 'VardDelmont Conservatory and the "\Ylnklcl" Studios. '1'he ("lub llas experienced It most successful yea,.. They enjoyed Duoart program given by :Mr. l\Ianhehner, one of America's foremost pianists In conccr't in the new College Audilol"ium as well as a concert given in Lillie Rock. The club has steadily grown and is especially enthusiastic In securing, for another season, the best entertainments both vocal and instrument:'ll for our college and ('ommunity. The Club has to Its CI'(:'dit one of the most delightful receptions of the 8(:11001 year giw'n in honor o( ".'o[iss Brumitt, the fh·st piano graduate of the school. The function wa!i gi'·O;?I1 imml·diatt.'ly following )'I1ss Brumites recital on the new Baldwin COI1(·lrt Grand in the J. 1\I. Matthews Auditorium. ,,1 9 2 5 '----_/ Page Fiety-Thr ee