1924-1925 Yearbook

lJetit --- ----- ---------- -- - - JUNIORS FRA:-:K STA B.K, Presid e nt ) IAHGA HF.T :\1.\ BR Y ,ti("\' ,'dan ' lHEXE: B I~V I '; I.IL YL\tEH.-" ('oml· a nd trip It a :-; ye ,L:'U, on th.,' light fantastit' lO('," XE\'LYX B 18110P-"'J'dl Illf' n ot In m Qul' lIful IItllnhl"'!oi, I ('an kl't' l) ;\ gi rl." CHARLES P f\ 'rE-"A handsome studious young man, " JEANE'l"J'E 1-' 111L 1..1P5--"1 don't t'thah. 1 d o n ' t bdit'\'l' a mll"d of it." FRANK 'l'AHK-"F'ainl h eart n e'e r w on fair lady:' :U .\H<:.\HI::'l' MABHY-" " a rl l' ty in d ll ll'~ 1:-; thl' spil'\' of lif,':' B. G. HOP8--V{' r y studious, good n;\luTc-d and dOIll L'Mth:. BERTHA BE:\'SON-"Tc lJ m e all about it." COHDL\ jIOpJ{J~H-Slw I )U~~l'8St'~ Jlaralyzint.:' t.Yt''-; a nd a ('ulIlInanding ch in . PAUL JEFFUS-I I ", makt.·s r.l u s ic ('vt" n o n a hand~aw . H. t.:~ SELL BOLEH- " 't;' know nOl what l~, 1<ay, l'X('l.'llt hI has a II t'W girl £!very day, );'r~\V'l'ON S'l'ANl<'OI!D-Therc is 110 sudl W01'(1 as 10\,\ ' in his vocallul:u'y, ('I.U\·EH SHO/;::\IAKEH-lle 11l' \'t' r l'uts a das~, :\L-\RRI~~'I'T,\ HE":\I-~h(> is witty. :s h l' Is W~I', but o n Hussdl !'Chl' I)iac,-'d h er eYl'S. \\·J.;:'\DE!.1. \ '. \:\,,))I':Jt\ '£ER-All thl' world IOVl'l-i a iloastt.'r 1 9 2 'J