1924-1925 Yearbook

petit SENIORS - OFFICEUSORBI A DO'VDY, P ,'esident LOTS :'\{A 1."l'HE\\'S, Secretary. " · rLLIA:'o.[ EAH.l~ L OVE-Tha t winning smile is always there. )..'I;:TTIE SCHUS'l'ER-"Laugh and the wOI'ld laug"hs with YOu." LOTS MATTJIEWS-Her Yoice would shame th~ la r k. H OWARD )lcMI LIiE '-Sleepy• .ret \'e l 'y much awake. RUBY LEE: PLUMMEH.-:'t.l eek, modest. a nd mild malden. I0\ THLEEN THO:\fPSON-"Nolhing eve r' both e r s me." REX SRYGLEY-"I never miss my beauty sleep." FLOYD l\f.\HGASQ);'-"AIi love's labor lost?" DOHOTHY MILNER-Bob haired but not a flapper. OH 13TA DO'VnY-"He who talks much , talks in vain," :\lARI OX PETTY-He Is neat and has a pleasant di sl)Osition. 1VILLTE '\VILHITE-An automatic walke!' a n d talker. HERBERT BAUBER-An artist and ch a u ffeur. EL L.EX l\IARGASO)l- 'he has a s uggestion for eve ry s ubj ect. BERNARD BRAZIL-He d e li ghls in boosling fO l' hi s stal e. KATHAN WALDHEP-" Where ig-norance is iJliss, 'tis folly to be wIse." • 192 5