1924-1925 Yearbook

DEWITT GAH,RETT "SU~SHIXI<;" An agr ecablt·, jolly. intcrl'sting student ELLENOR lIA::'ol Eyes made to talk as well aM to sec. BENNYE BLANCHE DUXA,VAY An attractive, sWt'e t girl. JOYCE DUVALL "JOY" She Is characterized by her laugh and kindness. C. RAY TIlOMPSOX A husilw!';s man and a <It'h:ller HA Y1\10ND HAZLET ··HAY·' 'rhc vo\('e of a ni).;"htingall' and pride of a peaco('k. DOLLIE ADAllSOX Smiles even at dhmppolntrncnt CLINT SL-Hl:!.EIl "CHOPP I I';-- Xeat. pleasant :'\nd lu<:ky 1}(1!<$.t-s80r of beauliful hair. BESB BI';LL The cxpreRfllon on h ('r r<l.(,(~ rC\'('als :\ jolly charaCler. HEHBEHT HJCKAHD A noble, ambil iom:l young mnn. • 1 g 2 5 • • Page Thirly-Nlne