1924-1925 Yearbook

I "I . ' "Do ~t)U wish tht' wol"id Wl're h('llt-'r? Ll'l Illt' it-II YI)U what to do S"t a wall'll Ullon your flt·-tl()n~. K~~p t1h'1ll aIW~l) 8 ~tralght and true. Hid your mind of st..-Iflsh mOU\l'j,j. L l't Y4)U" t houghts be cJt.'ar and high " y-,u ,'an mak" a lilth.' Ed~'n Of tht' 81)lwl'" YUU OCl'UPY, l)u you wl~h lilt · world \\ "I't' wiser? ,,'dl JoIUIlI)(I~t' you ·make :1. stal'l. By alTlIlllulatlnK Wll'ldulII I n th~' l'!I'nlJl book uf your h ('nrt: Do not wasle une PRf.!'t' on folly Live 10 Il'al"II, and learn to live. If you want to gh'l' 1I\t'1I knowh'dgc You IllUJo>t gt'( it. l""e you giv(' 1)0 YO\l wh.1t the w orld w,'n' hallPY? 'L'h,"n l"t'lIIt'mill'!" day hy day .Just to hl"UUU' st>rd~ of klndllt.'ss .,1\10; YOll »HS~ alon,: lht' way, Fur tilt' )lit'asul't's or tht' many )Iay ht' ofttl!ll\.'s tract'd to one, Ali the hand thul plnnts an al'orn :-;ht'lh'n. arlllh'S from the sun," ;.", -]~Lr.A 'VHEELER WILCOX • ",