1924-1925 Yearbook

• JUNIOR POEM ;';0 Junior wishes for a. cal} and gownThey c l aim the right to wear the fresher crown Of laure l and of ivy inte rtwin ed A s tok en of a wise but witly mindIvy fo r happiness, youth and mirth, Laure l for wisdo m and tru e moral worth. Kine of the t e n atte nded H arper College And cam e to H a rding t o increase the ir knowledge. 'rhe r easona [or thei r lead e r s hip are ample, Proving them fit to set a good eXaml} l e To all the other c lasses in the schoolNot one of th em wo uld violate a rul e! Fi ve, student l ca ch e .'s, whose ad vicc and aid H e lp many a lu c kl ess lad to mak e hi s grade. Three ll1('mbers of the unnun.l stn. f f, On e , best all a round gid-and th~ll'S not hnlf! One co ll ege wit, a half wit, too, is h e, One, marri ed a nd the r est Inte nd to b e , Their hobbi es, printing, '\\'riling poet r y, "'ith no s u ccess, the c riti cs all ag l'ee, Sight s ing ing, music, sports, d omestic art, And practicing to e ns na r e some one's faint h eart . Since th ese sage .Iun lors pel'feet d o appear. lmagine what a Senior c lass they' ll be n ext year. -C. B.