1924-1925 Yearbook

• A, B. REE E GraWn, California ~lr, Reese, with mild hi lit' t'H'S and a I'Icn'ne (' lI:preSslo ll , f"('!lI't'sl,nU:I the Go lden Stal",. H t' I~ a d l:batur and (:onst'it'nI.lOU~ s tudent, of whom hi~ I)r o f t'!'<!"() rs say, n,{tcr some O ll t' of the l'1ass has made a slah' nwn t, ...... l· l·haps Brotlwr H el' ~e will add to that ." 1 9 Z 5 ALL IE )IAHIE BAILEY Lamar, Oklahoma Allil ', lh<' athll'tlr girl, is a general ra\'orilt" Anyollt' who ('a n k l'(' J) thirty t empe ramental "gym" gil'hi working willinJ:'ly t OJ!:t' thl' r is It G'",niuJot. She has :t mil-whit,\ iOlls glint in ht'r urown eyt's .tnd lin upward lill at till' 1't/l'llel'S of ht>r mouth, \\'h l<'h d Cllo{t'!-I a happy 1j(-!'t'Ut' lIatun'.