1924-1925 Yearbook

(i!.;OR(:8 R HESSO:\' ('antUIl, Oklahoma ~I r , B~'Il!';()Jl Ita:.. 1'1' (1\\ n . plt'l'dn~ "y~'s th:n ~lan' from ",-"llI-ath tho!';", hnn·l't;d arl'lH"s, II " has a ('Olliou", SUI)ply of ~lllilt 'M and at lillh'r~ outhun:{s of l:1ulo:"htl' r that !'~-n'a l his joy in sl't"in~ utlll--r:. su ft( r ("0111 t ilt'" humiliat ion (If a Jflk~'. I h ' " t':-II)ondl'l with zt':ll and loya lly tu ~-Vl'ry undt ' !'lrtklnK in sl"ilII01. 1 9 Z 5 ~IH~ , ~I.H~ HI';"" DOWDY ~lorl'i1t(ln, .\rklll1!';a~ ~Irs. ])flwdy hal' \'I"llh-M lhat lhe h-a "hl r~ UI"I:' If:lrdinc g-irhi to cultt. \al~IUil'tIl\'s~. 1Il0dl'SlY. nnd lnlelllI{,-I1(',', :\ltII't'" than lhll'\ sht, ha~ md tlll'i l' appr(Jntl hy rna lTylng- InS l t 'll d or st·tking a hu~inl'~ l'I (·ar(:(' r. Sh e Is Jllt'"a~anl at all tillll"~. P a g e Thi r ty-On e