1924-1925 Yearbook

l~htit f ]IAR'-EY "'IV. RTC(;S, P"l':-:id l' nl Calhoun, I":tntu(' k,\' ] r a I TlA~' Higgs i!; a n :aI a~H l·t to Il al'd· ing College. Ili s initiatin:, t' 1ll'I'.L:'Y, abitity as a iog-ical spt'ak('I' and HH a p r eachl"', and his amiab l e di sposi ti on make him l)I'omi nel1t. The qUl'ry, "may 1 make this liuggt'stionT' is c:ha l'ac l CI'· istil..' of h im. 1 9 2 5 P age '.rhlrty \ HA7.I;;1. I{AYI~ WILI.OUG I IBY. Sec. T ... :<0 .. 1., Okla homa l/ 'l7.el h:u; big, h"ow n l 'Yl'S and bobbl'd IHtir but iSl1't th t' rhl))lk'r tYllt'. She d evou rs dlUrl'h histor,\' and Anglo Saxon with as mu<.:h n : lish as she dot's beans. Her kt't:'n stnse of hymor and hl"l' droll " t'Il Lark s I11t" t' won Iwl' the l' !wiabll' <l1111t'llation "the collt-"g(> wlL" but h e r work as editor of til(> ann u al prons iWI" ahility ulh l' ,'wisl', Thl' comhinati ons Ill:l.kt' an nil-around glr' l.