1924-1925 Yearbook

TIll' fa('ullY as,!o\ume nil :lll"Y like immortal body and mind .\"'('l'ndt'd hHO till' diamond-Sludd('d, rO!;('-lint('d skit's Theil g'llZc' (1(,\\"11 ll1]'ou).;"h till' \':-\por and wind FI'C/Ill thl' nrduous Pl'tit ,Jt;'an peak to tht.' base with ~igh!';, TIH'1l t.lll'iI' froz.'n Iwarts hl'gin to LH.'at \V1UlI ('an that wi:-;(' old fow l be That on tilL' pinnac'lE' Is taldm.,:· his !';~Ht Oil ~ Ih~' ~"'S :Ind olhl'l" y'", "'t.'lliors of It. c" .\ 1lI'I'uliar noi",,' i!S al their (-11.1" .\ l<,;uil'rl:'l t'OIll,'", sl'1\IllI)I"I'ing' up the path F1:"sl 11I'"s hl'in'I" tht.'n hl' 5't:'~ms to !(';U' ".\l-i Iw Wl',,:-;t!t's with till' nuts called Hi~t()I'Y and )Inth, .\ huzzing' dl"OJ1\' ('()llIt'!o] up thl' steep mountahl It is not Yl'l'~" noi:-;y hut a, quid little be(' Thirsty fOI" knowh-dg.· and on its way to llll' foulltain ;-o;wJllJing hlTt' ;"lncl 11lt-I't· in tht· JJI"anl'ht.s of a ~wi"..ntifit· tn·t' Xl'xt lill'Y Ikhold :ll till' Illu:lntain's hast:' ,\ PUll with a 1001< half of (Par and hair of drt·ad (In his ~"oung, <.;a \ ;\g",' fa ("t,> J '001" Fn'shit' ]OOkl'd up hut ('ould not It·lI \\,hl']"l' the path led The ];n'it liny Slll't.'inH'1l al till' Iw~(' on till' I"(wk or English !J..; in mi!;I·l'Y. and III ,·adl t'YI" thl"Y ~"t' a 1";lr, '1'I1t'I1 :-;~'m[lathi:dng' with lhl' pOOl' A('allt'IIlY fi!:;h Tlwy 1)()lnl to tht· lop and l-ay, "}lUW, hush and lot, of good ("ht',·r." 'l'lw fae'ulty "'till ;':'uanl lhe ma!;('ot~ and tlw holy plncl:' .\nd to us Illu:..;j('al IIlt'lllOI'l"S l'('!w thl' day~ that \\"ent skimming along Hurtt,!' lhan I)dals failing' from 1'0St'!S nil t h l' J.,:'!'as!i Or' lik\" tilt' !-IIH,n, qu;('k ll!Jtl'!; of our "-\1 1111\. Matt'l" song,