1924-1925 Yearbook

TO THE STUDENTS OF HARDING COLLEGE You have been a greut factor In whateve r SUCCE'SS hus atte nded Harding Co ll c6:'e In this, h e r tirst yenr. Yo u and your fac ult y h ave pasHed through the eX I)erlenc~s. borne the burdens. a nd made lhe sa.crlflce Inc identa l t o the beginning ot a great and iml)()rtant work. It has been your prlvllt'gl' t o ('s l abllsh Ill"t'{'ed ents (or ruturt' s tud e nt bodies. Students ot H ardi ng College In all t h e y ears to come will apllt'al t o YOUI' acts In an crrort to Justify themse l ves In the dOings of things they themseh'cs may want to d o. Tra ditio ns o t lhe doing-a o f this first student body will be hundt' d d own front year to Yt'ur and (ro m g'l'lIc r ation t o ge ne r ation, e ve n so lo ng as the Instltulion sha ll live. From this dayan, where\'E' r you may go. whal l'n'l" you may d o, you will bt' n m essage from Harding Colle-ge. It Is our most sa ng-uln t· hoJ)t' t h at your lives may glorify h er fni r name by w:rlfying the Intrln,o,Jlc vl\lue of th(' high nnd h o ly Id t'als (o r which s h e stands. R em embe r tha t he r ex hne n ('l~ cannot b (> j u !!tlfled ullh:O!!8 the 1I "l's of h e r studt 'llts manifes t the princlpll,'s of ou r Lo rd , unl t:ss tht'y a r c true to Him who lOok upo n HlmseH th e form o f lL s rnlnt and W(' nt about d oin~ good, R e rn embr r t h a t H arding ('olh.'ge lives aH th(' re!!Uit ot: kN' 1l !<ac rirlce ; that every brick In Iw r wallM, en' r )' 1>ook In Iwr IIbrQr)', and t'H'ry piecll' of E'ilu ill llwnt In her laboratori es aI""(' the reSUlt of the inrlue nce of hrist ul)Qn heart s. Rt'mll'mber that .....e who m a n the institution wo uld betray 1I10St sacr ed trust d id we n ot make first the instilltng of the Ilri n el ples ot Chri s tianity Into th e hC'nrts of h(' r s tud t'n t s, Heme rnber, too, that whe rdn you fail to s uppo rt In WOI' <1 a nd life tilt' r t'ligion of our J.OI'd, It s lu\1l be a. source of d eCI) r egret to every mf'mber of your facuity, P.(,llwmber that e-"t'ry word at Cod is as truf' as ('\'er )' oth e r w o rd of (;00, and loyalty to nod I1h'anS lo)'alty t o ~\"ery wo rd ht, hu!! Hpokt' n , A s you becom(' men and women of affair". d o not torget the world's n eed or CJ\ristIan st'hools a nd th(' d ebt that you yourself 0 ,",, (' to tltt'm, Wncrt'ver your lot m;\)' be CMt , give your un!!tinted s u pport to t h ei r mainte nancc, He member the Lord is counting on you, Our Fathe r , blt·ss th('se, our childre n , Make UH'1ll a hl('sslng to this Ih'('d), world, and so long as they abide In thy WQI'k m ay thy Peact', which IlllliS~th all undentanding, guard their hl'a rt l:4 and lhdr thouj:IHS in Chrllil J eliW~, Aml'n, Brotitl;r a nd Siste r .\rmslrong. 1 g 2 5 I'agt' ~in('leen