1924-1925 Yearbook

Veiif f··········-··-··········--··---·-·······.····-----·····_······_····_··1 j ! ! COllll'lillll'lIh "C- ! : : I FIU:\I\ B i IIOTlIEHS ; i DII), (;OODS CC»IPA:"IY I "/I .1[11"( be lIiaill" , i ~ .......... -.-................. -... - ............. -....... __ .............•....•. _- COlli p I i llH'nb B. PJ:\KIL\~I CO:-;FECT IO:-\EIIY Fil"~ l :\:tliol1l1l Bank Building Soul h"I'n Leagu e Baseball IIl'llIl'IlS !lni Iy ~ ........ ...... -......... --.... -... -.. ... -........•. _ .............. ........ .. _ .... _. J'n)r. Rhod ,-!:, (I II IlhotUl 'Y chL:;s)-"Qult tlu: (Iuihhlln);.!" 1JUt<Jth:~!oI. Jut1d. \"ll1) was King 1I;' nry "lI '! . \I1$W,-r ;r"M ur no." JOyc/' Duv,,11 (nftt'"r IIHtl'nll1~ I I) a , 'om1I1 ltint allout thl' uu 'a!l'\.-"W t:ll. I( you don't ilk\.' 1;.-1\ns and l': a rn, d l ll1\t'r IK O,' t' J' ." A llan-" I '4 1 )-UU think I C~1ll \:n~r do a nything w i th my voice?" )'1I ~s JOIH'!j-" 'V(' 1I it mh;hl (lomt,.' In h :\I1d~ .. In elL')\! o r fir ..•... r-······-_····· ....·..-· ..··..··-·-·....·-·....···-..-······.. ··-····-·-··-1 SA"IT \In ~II::,\T ~IA!lKET \\,ill ~Iillpr, P" O)J ri~tor Fresh "nd Cur"d )Icats (;allJe anti Fish ; i I Phone J Sf , !_.......__...._._......__...._ .._..__._...........___._.... _l }j can) Itln liP' 1111 ......... _._ ... __ ..... _ ... _._. __ ..... _ ..... __ ._ ... _ ............. ! AI\\':I ."', lit-member ! TIl!' Ill'sl is Ihe Cheapest I SIIIL\I>EH , TilE PIiOTOG!l.APlIEH i i Littl e !lock, Ark uns,,, i 120'" ~Jain Slrl'l' l i I'honl' 4-11 !J:l , i Slleci,,1 Rate" to Sludents 1...._.............__.- _......._ .._..............._.._.........., ....................... _ .......... _ ... __ .... --..... _ .. --------........... --.. -._- i ! Complimenh I SIlE\OL\KES FILI.I"C; ST.\1'IO" ! ! il,·;',,-In S,'niel' na~ or :-;ighl ! Come :Ind Sl'" liS i ! ! ;\. Jl oos(> Stl'{'~1 i i .......... __ ............_...... __ ...__....._.......__._ ............ . r ....- .....-.- .........-.---.----..--..--.-.....- ... ---'"'1 : i BU'E !lIBIlO:-; SIIOE SilO» .\11 1\ i nds Fi,·s( Clnss Shot' Ilt-Jl:lil'inl( "II',· Fix 'flll RiyM" "o" lh ~Ioosl' SI,·('('( ! ....... .. ............... _ ............................. .............. -.............. ... .. . ':' ....... _ .. --.......... -_._ ... _ .... _ ....... _. __ ... _--_ ...... _._--_ ... _ .. i i i CumplillH'n ls or COI.\' I" & SELI.EnS AI/(ll'lIe!J. .. _ .... _ ..... _-_ ...... _ ................... _ .................... _---_ .... I I I' ~~ ~ " I 11 ? :.J