1924-1925 Yearbook

AUTHOR AND COMPOSER OF ALMA MATER l... . n. SA:,,\I)EHSO~ MRS. ORJ1~ CATHCART F(>{> lln~ the n ecel:Hi ily of g e tting before th e stude nt body the principl e s (or whkh our be lo ved Alma )Jalc r stands. W e tri ed In our Simple w a y to ma k €' thal princ inle t e ll. " 'e c hoose the mediulll ot sung because a Sl o r y Me l t o m u s ic o ften make$ the m ost lasting impressi on. That it m a y find a perma nult pi ace In the heart and mind of every membe r ot the student body hs ou r slnct: l"e wl~h.