1924-1925 Yearbook

1fl.ettt ;-... _ ...... _ •...................... .. .. -... _ ............ __ .. _ .. _--- ---- ; , I ; , ; , , ! , : MORR/LTO~ARK. j 1 , , ! ...... _-_ ... __ ............ _ ..... _ ........•.................................•... __ .... :-._ ... _._ ..... _ .................................... , .......... _ ................... _._; i -CALI~ ! ~IOHHILTO:'\ ICE AI'\O FUEL CO. ! I - When you're ho I i - Wh en you're co ld i i - SUI11I1'l' r or Winte,' \ WE PHOVIDE CO~IFOHT ! . ~-.-.---••• - .... -- ••----••••••• • - •••• • •..••_ ••••.••••••••••••••• _ ••••••••. J [""......................._... ................................. .................j .i/.eanl ,n.. "In II i 11 .........• _---........... -... _ ............................................. _--... \ ! i i DRIVl<:-IN S TATION ' , , ! ! Courleous Trea tme nt See Oil " AII -Sleel Overland and Will rs-!\night Cars ! Good ~ I echani cs ! , ; YOllr Business App"('ciatcd I ! , :lIOHflLLTON OVEHLA:,\O CO, I , ! ! ....... _ ... _ ... _ •.........•......• _ ..................... _ ..•......................... j.................................................... .. _······..················_·.. ········1 )fAnnIN(: COLJ, J': (:J-:: USI::S ~nr,K j ~' IW)I UI' II IIO"~'rF.IN }LEllD i ; J [()ISlt"irl l'OWt:; mak (> mune:!: for us, and i lht..·y will fo r you. If you will give lhem a 1 ('hanCI;!. Q uit wOI' k l ng fo r YOUI' COWij j ld i lJoh~l('l n ij work fol' you. i Ut.·" I ,;:U· rhl IInt' IIII,,: " W c'k r llr ~ ul c ! "rln.. UI!;hl l CA I .I~ AXil "EE US UA 1. (' II J) .J-~[Jl T I Mor ri llon, A l'kaJl !;as .. . _........._................_ .._................. ..........................._ ......i ........................................ ..... ......................... ................·....·i i w. S. HUIE SIIOE SII OP i i i CO lll p lillll'nls o f ! : ! Experl Hepa i"i ng i i .. : : LEGAL LIGHT SHOES i C. C. EDDY i Ou,' P"ices <Ire Hi ght i i .! AI/ oriley i U ::T US " S1I1':1I '" YOU i. L_......_...............__..._..._..........._....._........._..._..._. .-.! .:._...__.._...._._-......_............_._........._._..__.......... 1 :1 2 5