1924-1925 Yearbook

1111 !II" 'iii! (l~htit JJ tan) iiiil iii" 1111 · ........................................................................................ WIIlTE WAY BA n BE I ~ SUOI' HOi :lIlei Co ld Ba th s Iks t Equi r>ped S ix Ch a irs in Sta te Onl y So ft W:lt e r USl'd Ba:S('Jll(, 1l1- FiJ's l :\" a t ' l Bank Bldg. t......................................................................_........_. r ···············~II~~u~~ /~·:I' I~· ;/~ ~ ~I ·· E.t·c/ ll si ve Millin er y Home o r th e GAGE HATS Drilling B lIild i l1 ~ ~I o rrjlt o ll , Ark. .• ............................................................................•....."'j HES I:\l;ER' S l ;AHAGE Ali tui ll oo il c Ill-pa iri ng Accessori es ~l o lTi It on. AI' karisas . ............. _ .................................. _._ ... ......... D11. 11. B. EVA:\S /J enti sl ~l o rri1t o n , Ark a nsas Phon es- Orri ce 301 Hes. 33 ................... .. ....................................................................... ~ ....................•.............................................. _ ....... ......................................................········································1 , WATCH YOUH SHOES ' Fn.'qll t'n l I' rp a l l'II1g kC'c ps th em l loo kin g Il ('n l a nti cost s I(·ss . \Ve r ('- pair' s ho(,s br rac to !" y Ill c th od s . :\ED BOWEH'S SHOE SHOP Mo rrilt o n , Arkans;Hi : .............................................................. -................ .. ........... A. v. HE11BHEE Insuran ce Agf' nt nnd I'\" o tar y Publi c All kind s of In suran ce lI esl Insul'an ce- Lowesl nates .................................... ;: ...................... -.. JOKES ( Conlin/l ed ) Oakl ey- ~tu r l>h y ( llJ"t-sidinginFr;.>shman nWt ·ti ng)-"AIl in fa \'or of th is m a li on 1 ~ 1 t"<l$e So t.l nd Ul)on y our f (·d . All o PPosNl by l he 0 1 ) ]Jo~itc ~i g n. ~I iss I l o(: k a c1a ~'-" 1Vh a t is the ('oll ec- ti vt' IlflUn fO I' hog? " Hub)' Sl ng IHon- ··Swl lw." H ay H a zl ct- " r d o n 't li k t;- lhl s p iC l url·. k·ok lil{t" a n a ll"'." T il t: phol ogr a ph f> r - "\Ve ll , you should have l hnug h t about l h :.Il befor e you had i t mad e'" ..... : DeL01';G MACHI1';EHY COMPA:'<Y . J'I e~ldqll:ltl~r s rol' Aut o mo bil e ~ Srn' ic(' flntl Acc('ssori es i Spo rt i ng l; oods 1 (;E:\EI1AL HAHDWAHE L.........................................................................._....... III' 00 (1 9 Z 5) iii! "" 1111 Pa';f! O ne Hu ndred Twe n ty-F'ou l'