1924-1925 Yearbook

, ~Jdit f-········_······················-····_···············.-.............. J i 716 Ma i n St ree t Phones 4-0600 ! HAHnlS FOTOGRAFEH Li lli e Hock Visit Ihe Ground F loor Studi o i Df.."H1t irul ! 1 I ; i i ! ! Special Uales 10 all Siudellis : i i , . -_ .. _---_ ...... __ .... _ ...... _-_ .... _._-_ ................... r....····..·········..················ .................................__................• ! I ! The Lead i ng Store ill Town 1 i i ! For Shors, ito,iery, aud i ! I 1 Hl'ady-to- \Vt.·ill' ! ! i ! ' i On I he Corner i i i i THOMPSON' S I ! I : i 1._.................._.__..............__.._-_...._..........................: ..............- ......---............ ·--··..····-·..·····----··..··1 ! l i ! , ; ! , BOWL I NG· S 1t)3 :\. Did,ion Stn·et Ikgultll' ~I l·n l s. Lun c hes . Shor t Onll-!":-- and Pastry \\'1.' Sp('ciaiizl' on LUllch('''i and Sant.l\\'ichc:-. lI 'elcome- Pacfllly alld Slfldelll. of Iil e ClJlle(Je I I , i ! _ •... _._._-_ ......•...... _ ...... __ . __ ... _-_ ..... _ .. __ .............. 4J 2aUJ '"" I"" Iill ..-.._.._..__....__............._..__._.._........."--"-'-'---l Comp limen ts of 1 1 l ! ! THI SEIlVICE CO)IPA::-;Y i Comple te Drive-In Sen' ice 1 1 T elr l, honc 33:J i i ~______ ___________J 1-····································_·_-·_-_·······._._-_........._.. l I i .I . C. A D A ~ I S I ! i ; JEII'ELUl' i : .: I Jlilliflel"U Variely ! j l l ~ol'th Division SIr'Cl' t ! 1 j L_.._.___..._...............__............_.__...__...._.......__.l P , \ItOI)\' 0," ..... A lit ANXIE" Th;ulk Ih"n\t"n, tRw l"rlsll';- The d a ug-(" I" Is pas l , ~\nd tht' IlnJ,:t'rlnJ{ ~xnms Arc ovc r at last. And lh~ r,":\r fir rlillun" Is hal1h~h{·d III last. And I n"xl X(I ('(OIllI)oRl'dly );ow In my hf'd. 1'hal flny bl'llOld t" r might runey me dt:ad- )tight sturt at bdlOldlng me ' )'hinkl n.K m~ el; ·ad. ) 111. ItIlQn ..:s :-lAYS T o IJ\' bald h(;'ud ~" d Is no d l$grnce. Comb l ess h:dr, wash mor e face. 1 :1 2 ~ Pugc One Hund red ' rwenty-'rwO