1924-1925 Yearbook

I," "tiM iii" (~.ctit JJ .can) hili !!i1i 1111 r·-····· Ol ·R PLAT.FOR~I WE I3E I.I EVE: In (>lIl" U,WIl allci ill'; [I\.·o])h-, in OUt' Slnl'~ and Its good s 'I n hOIh'str :\!> a !Io\i('Y, ah:;(, :1.S I h~ wa .... to lSU('Ct:.1:!S :':md hapllin(:ss In CourtC!;~, l.'indlws1:!, (.: t' IWI'osity. ( iot)(i ('111'1'1", I-! Qllf'::.t Competition 'J'hal Lif,- i~ too shol'l a nd pn'dulI!i to wast~' [-ha.sing- only dol1an~, That SU(·(·t:Ss shou ld bt: ITIl'aSUl'pd only hy nUl' ability That a stor£, should bi> judgf'd by lilt' (luality of its Bl- t'vic,- PAUIEIl & CLOSE Phone 21~) F,'ee Deliv(: I'Y l ............_ ... _ .. r" SEE THE CHIHOPHACTOH A. O. u. W. Building Chi 1"opraNk' Is lht.' hea lt h method o[ those who know its tnl!rits-of all ever iuc r easing multitude w h o r eaJizt> t h at the <':luse of d b;ense nl u st be r e m oved befOl'e l\l ,:t lth ('an be :,~ll:.lincd, Tho.:: (;.fl. U ~" of diSI:':lSt' Is spinal IH'f'SSUI'e u pon lhe nerves, which "l'\;'\'~nts the transmission of \"ita! ,'IWI'g'y tu oq,';'ans, (Sjropractic -Add", DH. \y, ,II. (;H.AY, ChirOlw:"l\'tQI' Box 282, ),lorrHton Offic,' Pllvlle 11 G H~s, 181 " uSE ~IM;:\"OI. I A (; .\SOLl:\"E ~IAGDOLE;,\E :-IOTOH OIL The Dependa bl e Lubr icant \! o J . W. D I LBECK FILLING STATION :\[o l"l" ilton, Phon e 319 .......... ",""'" J . H. I MBOD EN &SON BUII.DI NG ~IATEIU AL ~)<v Our B l'~ t \\,i sli(,s Al'c \V iL h Hardi ng Co ll ege and li s Fr ien d s 1 9 2 5 I ' ltg\.' 0111..' Hundred TWi:l1ty !