1924-1925 Yearbook

~ .!IIi! (VrtitJJe~ "p" P'" ~ ...... _ ............ -•............... _ ......... _ .. _ ....................................... _ .............. _ ......... _ ........ _ ....... _ ......... _ ......... _ ......... -............ BANK OF MORRILTON CAP ITAl. STOCI( $100,000.00 sunp l. US $75,000.00 U:\DIVIDED P llOFITS _ $25.000.00 OI.DEST A:\1l STHO)\(;EST $300,(100.00 (;u:ll'antee to l OU That YOlll' Deposit is Safe in Thi s Bank ,.. ........ __ ... _. __ ..... _._ ..... __ .... _ .. -...... _ .... _._.-._ .... _._ ..... _.-..... _ .._-...... -... _. __ ........ -.--_ ................... __ .. _--_.-. I THE WEDD ING MARCH 15 A LONG WALK I ! l!:sl>ecially I'or a woman. She Is t he CHIC who cn rrles the brunt of ~ 1 the d ally baul<..-mends up the hol es In lhe lillIe rellow's slocklng-r ocks i j ~~~ I~~~~~rr ~Jl11~~ll~:!eC~{lldl;e~!r~~\; I~~n~~~~~~~~lY stand-does without lhing~ ! ! Ncv('r gNs to go aywhere-houschold duti es and nc('ds of the child· ! 1 n.'11 clmln IWT to h e r tasks In th(' blooru or lH.'r wumllnhood. No wonder : strands ot: g rey begin to creep into ht"r hair. .'Jo wonder the hands thal 1 were so .\:llllooth and whlif' when the wroding llmr(.:"h begnn Rrc roughened ~ now. );0 wonder the tired look cre('I)S into hC'r ~YC8. i 'rho.' mnn has constantly changIng C\'cnlS in his c"eryd; IY Hre--whlle i tlH.' WOluan, day in and day out, marches along with the c hime ot: the ! wedding hells growing mor ... dislam-and-- ! Some men di e and l(':l\' c th{'ir wiv('s unllrotected-Iulling lhems('h'cs ! InlO the !>(·1ie( that tlwy nre doing the best thp)" ca n by Il('r. Co n te n ti ng : thl'llI!it·ln·!i with the thought tlllU ~he and th\' chlldr(:n will ge along ~ somehow. i TIIINK IT OVER i 1 1 RAINWATER & HELL UMS , I NSUH .\NCE, ], O. -\SS ;\1\D lS'f}~s'nl F.X ' I'S ....... -............................ _ ..................... _ .... -................ --_ .. _ ............. __ ............... ---_ ...... _ .. -..... -----.......................... --..... :- q /' ::r Page One hundred ElghLecn ~